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Royalboy Acara Sculpture

Mon Sep 06, 2004 5:17 am

Yes, I've done a sculpture of a Royalboy Acara. I recently bought a pack of Sculpey III clay, yet I wasn't sure exactly what I would sculpt from all of it. Well, I was looking at the Royalboy Acara in the archives of the Neopets News, and I started thinking, what if I were to make a sculpture of said Acara? That is my favourite Neopets species and colour.
And so, with only the clay, a plastic knife and my hands to work on it with, I set out to sculpt it. It took from the early afternoon into the night to finish it (although I did take little breaks).
I do think the eyes and mouth came out a little funny looking, but overall, it is nice for what it is.


Mon Sep 06, 2004 6:20 am

The eyes and mouth seem a little out of place,as you said,but besides that it is cute. :)

Mon Sep 06, 2004 9:14 am

Very Nice :)
You should send it in to the Art Gallery... I know for a fact they prefer clay sculptures over hand drawn art ;)
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