I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Jan 10, 2005 1:33 am

You may want to include what "job" your character has ;)

Mon Jan 10, 2005 3:18 pm

[[Saw the wanted thing for a song writer... I could be, but I'm not very good at pop... ish... songs. Although I DID make a song or two for the Wierd Sisters, that band in Harry Potter... Hehe, I've got one of em stuck in my head.

But yeh, I can write songs...

Will edit for bio if halfbakedbliss doesn't already have the job.]]

Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:28 pm

Eo wrote:[[Saw the wanted thing for a song writer... I could be, but I'm not very good at pop... ish... songs. Although I DID make a song or two for the Wierd Sisters, that band in Harry Potter... Hehe, I've got one of em stuck in my head.

But yeh, I can write songs...

Will edit for bio if halfbakedbliss doesn't already have the job.]]

Eo, you can be a song writer. The songs don't necessarily have to be pop. And HBB is now the Producer.

Tue Jan 11, 2005 3:26 am

Fellow Song Writer
-- Helps write the music with the artist or if the artist does not write music, writes the music his or herself. --

Name: Murraena
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Acts a bit like Robbie Robinson from Spider-Man, or that guy with long red hair and beard in Ultimate Spider-Man. BIG Simon and Garfunkel fan, geek. (I'm reeeally lazy posting bios tonight, sorry) Generally kind, likes some depression... or hidden Lord of the Rings references... in her songs.
Appearance: See assortment of pictures at http://perso.wanadoo.fr/vidam/murron.htm, which is NOT my webbie. (I wish... that would probably mean I own Braveheart, y'know?)

Thu Jan 13, 2005 11:00 pm

((So, when are we planning to start? :)))

Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:19 am

[OOC: Yup we are.]


Michael grumbled as he placed his feet on the cold, wooden floor. He hated morning simply because the cold got to him before anything else could. He yawned and rose from his now dishevelled bed, he walked to the washroom which was just a few steps away from him.

Michael re-entered his bedroom, he had brushed his teeth, combed his hair, shaved and had gotten dressed -- he always put his clothes for the next in the washroom to keep himself organized. Michael opened the door the lounge and took a seat near the phone. He glimpsed at it, eyeing it as if it had commited a crime of some sort. Seduced by the phone's look, he picked up and dialed a number.

"Hello, this is Michael Dachart from KTV, is Isabel there?"

Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:18 pm

((I'll place Dawn's character here too, if that's okay? You may kill me later, just some minor character overtaking :D))

Isabel had merely risen out of bed after a brutal wake-up by her best friend Stella. After ten minutes of complaining that she went to bed late yesterday, that the clock was only nine am and that this was her day off work she finally managed herself to walk to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then back into her bedroom to choose and put on some clothes for the day.

As Isabel walked in to the small kitchen of her apartment, seeing Stella sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper and drinking some tea, she opened the door to the fridge.

"Nice dress." Stella said after she had taken a quick look at Isabel.

Isabel’s head turned to look back at Stella after she had gazed on the short, navy inspired dress she was wearing.

"Something light for the warm summery day." she replied with a smile.

Suddenly the telephone hanging on the kitchen wall rang.

"Oh great, I bet it's my mom doing her daily check-up on me. Stella pleeeease answer the phone will you?" she exclaimed looking at her friend.

After getting only a skeptic look from Stella Isabel sighed deeply.

"Fine!" she said smiling jokingly.

She picked up the phone and answered promptly with just a "Hello" thinking it was her mother who was calling. Isabel made almost a jump at the second she heard that it was a manly voice which she could not recognize immediately. After hearing his introduction she got even more shocked. Before answering the man who had now claimed to be KTV's Michael Dachart Isabel let her hand holding down the phone down and started making hysterical bodily movements trying to explain to Stella who it was. And as hard as it was, Isabel finally managed to put the phone to her ear again and cram out some words.

“Yes, that’s me.” she said trying to keep a more serious facial expression.

Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:49 pm

((I have no idea how my character could fit in right now, so I'll wait a while before posting))

Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:00 pm

[OOC: I would suggest the same Autumn. But if you want to post earlier, than you may. No stopping you.]


"Yes, Isabel? Well I just got your demo tape this morning and I loved it. I showed it to many other people and they loved it. I was wondering, would you mind coming down to the office, say around 3 o'clock?" asked Michael while he wrapped the telephone cord around his right index finger.

He didn't know if this Isabel was going to make it in show business. She would have to compete against other teen stars like Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan. Could she do it? Could she pull it off?

Sat Jan 15, 2005 8:32 pm

While Isabel actually understood what the man in the other end of the phone had just said to her she couldn't find any words, and when she finally did she stumbled upon all of them.

"Demo tape? Yes, tape. Oh! That tape! I mean, good, you got it. Yeah.. uhh.. umm. Oh, yes, you like it too. Uh.. what? No, I mean, love? Are you serious?" she blabbed.

At that point she took a brief look at Stella who seemed to be rather amused yet excited. Isabel tried to clear her mind and took a deep breath.

"I.. I am terribly sorry, you.. uh, you took me quite by surprise. Yes that's it. I'd be honored to pay a visit to the studio." she added thinking about how stupid her last sentence had sounded.

Great, I could have just said some corny and respectful sentences to Mr. Dachart in Japanese couldn't I, she thought.

Mon Jan 17, 2005 9:58 pm

"Well than, I'll see you today around 2-ish okay? And don't be late. That's very unproffessional," Michael said as he turned off the phone without giving Isabel a chance to answer.

He always loved this part. Calling the young hopeful and scaring the crap out of them. This is why he worked for KTV, to scary young singers. His dream job.

Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:27 am

((Actually, Silja, thanks for taking over my character over. It gave me a sort of idea on how I should act. :)))

Stella listened to Isabel's half of the conversation. She seemed to be just saying the first words to come to her mind, and how they ended up laid out caused Stella to smirk. As soon as the phone was hung up, Stella grabbed Isabel's arm and pushed her down into a chair. With a part excited, part smirking tone of voice, she said:

"Do I get to come to this studio session? Because I've heard studio guys are usually pretty cute."

She winked with a smile.

Wed Jan 19, 2005 3:17 pm

Before Isabel had the chance to reply to Mr. Dachart he hung up leaving her to stare at the wall in front of her with her mouth open. First she got quite embarrassed about that he could even state something like that about her. Me? Be Late, oh no, I'm very punctual, she thought. She didn't let the thought bother her for too long though, as she realized this person knew only what her voice was good for, he could not possibly know the depths of her personality yet. Except for that grossly bad verbal expression by phone, Isabel added in her mind.

Suddenly she was pulled back from standing against the wall into one of the kitchen chairs. Stella smiled at her openly and insisted on coming with Isabel to the studio. That was when it all hit her, now she realized that the people at some company actually liked her voice... no, loved her voice! While just staring at Stella who started to look a bit wondering Isabel broke out in screams and laughter of joy. An innocent bystander would probably have thought she was some kind of large animal having severe seizures.

After a while she calmed down and was finally able to reply to Stella.

"Yes, you can come too. I'll need the support you know!" she said while still laughing lightly.

Then Isabel took a brief look at the kitchen clock.

"11.45 pm, she said. Lots of time for us to prepare!" she said glancing at herself in the nearby small mirror.

"I need to take a shower... and put some more formal clothes on! And you're staying here!" she said with a smile rushing into her bedroom.

Sun Jan 23, 2005 9:08 pm

Michael drove silently along the freeway, he wasn't a dangerous driver, this reflected on his attitude towards others in his work place. Michael turned on his car radio and a catchy song bursted out into his ears,

"Speak, come on and let it out,
Give it to me you know that I can take itm
Speak because the more you say the more I'm at ease,
Come on don't keep me waiting now,
I don't wanna guess, not a test, tell me what your thinking,
Keep it real, no big deal,
Tell me what your dreaming,
Speak let it out... Breathe,"

Michael nodded along to the song, it was of Lindsay Lohan. She was a decent singer but he didn't really care for her. Isabel was set to be the next teen superstar. He could feel it.

Tue Jan 25, 2005 11:15 pm


Stella smiled once again at Isabel's rushing.

"You go shower!" she yelled, "I'll find you good clothes, what with my incredible sense of style and all." Her voice was dripping with amused sarcasm.

She pushed Isabel to the bathroom and made her way to the closet.
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