I, Lord Rhinestone Cowboy III, puppy-slap at you with my spear of ingenuity. Mischief and mayhem ensues.
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Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:39 am

Name: RafterK
Age: An ageing warrior about 35-40
Position: History teacher
Gender: Male
Species: Mortal, human
Apperiance, Big and husky and muscular
History: Woodsman, Worrier, a brave hunter and provider with super strenghts. Kind and gentle but very harsh if he needs to be.

Rafter had been teaching at the school for 5 years he enjoyed teaching History, Civil war was his favorite. He enjoyed dressing in uniform and doing Civil war reinactment's. This particular day was the first on the subject. Inbetween classes, Rafter went to the teachers lounge when the school nurse had wheeled in a gal on a cart, he did not recognize the girl she had not been in any of his classes and he had not seen her around.
"What happend?" he asked the nurse. "Is there some thing I can do to help?"

"she needs stiches," the nurse said briskyly was up and I'll put you to work."

Rafter had plenty of medical training growing up on a farm he learned alot.
While assisting the nurse a rare gem cought his eye, he had seen only one like it in his time. Rafter gasp for he knew the danger it could bring forth and then.....

Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:23 pm

OOC: Just for future reference, she has two gems. One on each wrist. Just thought I would let you know.

IC: Kiba was soaked in her own blood and sweat. She could smell it. The two scents that wafted from her body were intoxicating. They clogged her nose and she couldn't smell anything else. She was wheeled into a room she did not recognize. There was someone else in the room. She heard the nurse and the other speak for a moment and then all was silent. The two pairs of hands set about stitching her wounds closed. As they did this she heard a gasp.

Kiba's eyes flew open. They must have seen the gems, they must have known what they were and who they belonged to. They knew who she was. Kiba panicked. She couldn't allow her identity to be revealed. She would be turned into the authorities and they would take away her precious gems. She snarled angrily, warning them to stay away from her wrists. She could sense the danger.

"Don't touch them! They're mine!"

She began to thrash about, trying desperately to escape. Kiba was seriously mad. She had a very strong connection with those gems. If they were in danger of being stolen she knew it. Her wrists throbbed as the gems screamed for her to protect them. It was as though they had minds of their own. Her ears were pulled back and her fangs were bared. She wanted to look as dangerous as possible.

Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:27 pm

The girl was clearly out of control and sereously acting aout of control and insane. Rafter knew why she was acting this way ist appeard as teh madder and more uncontrollable she got the stronger the gems made her. Ther rare gemas began to glow gently, he could not let them energize to full power something had to be done for everyones safty.

Just then the nurse laughed insanly and gave the gal a shot of something that would calm most people and put them to sleep. She did not know if it would work on this creature. All she knew was she had to get those gems she knew they must have some great value to them, and she wanted them for herself

Sun Aug 08, 2004 3:18 am

"Wait." Terran said softly. "I think the Headmaster would want her to keep her gems, stolen or not. I think this is part of the sixth year... whatever it is."

He looked up at the nurse. "I didn't think you were like that."

The nurse blinked. What had come over her? Bowing quickly, she said, "Yes, Master Terran, you are right."

Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:15 am

The nurse had been momenterily taken over by one of the ghosts It was starting to happen to almost everyone. Who would be next???

Just then Arianna walked in the room still looking to see if the ghost had followed her.
"Terren your back you'll never believe how this all happend." she said. "Would you belive it could have been me getting stiched up at this moment. She saved my life."

Sun Aug 08, 2004 8:43 pm

Terran blinked. "Really? How so? Did a ghost go after you for absolutely no reason at all, too?" He shrugged, looking at Kiba. "Who is she? She's not in the school, I don't think. Are you with her, ghost?"


Toloni glanced around the East School, trying to regain his bearings. He couldn't be caught; not by the children or the staff, at least. He was only searching for one, a childhood friend of his. He didn't really understand why the two schools were rivals, he had lived on the edge of the gap, so he and his family never cared much.

After all, they all were only human. Well, most of them, anyways.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 4:21 pm

Kiba sensed the danger to her gems growing. Both of the two people wanted to take them away. the nurse wanted them for herself, and the man thought it was a good thing to do. She writhed about and finally made it to the floor with a soft thud. Kiba scrambled to her feet, her eyes darting about wildly. Just then the girl she had saved and a boy walked in. The boy helped save her gems by talking to the two people who had been the source of the danger, while the girl told her companion what had happened.

Kiba's head swam. Everything was happening so fast. She held her throbbing head in her hands. The gems ended their own throbbing and the glow dimmed until it died away completely. They were safe. Kiba sighed. They were still embedded in her wrists' skin. Her hands left her head and she messaged her wrists in relief. she felt as though she had just had extremely tight handcuffs removed.

Kiba's eyes shifted to focus on the nurse. Her scent was different, she smelled like...like...CHEZZA!!! Her eyes grew wide. Chezza would have never...! Would she? There was no doubt, it was her.

'Are you with her, Ghost?'

It had come from the boy.

"Her name is Chezza. She was a friend of mine before she attacked your friend. I took the Chezza's blows myself. I knew I would have a better chance of survival than she. Chezza would never have possessed or hurt a human. I don't understand what is happening to her. We had been so close...Like sisters you know..."

It had been the first time she had actually spoken to them since she had arrived at the school. Any other words she had said to them were to protect her gems and she had been unconsious.

"Please don't hurt her. I don't know how you would be able to hurt her but please, don't harm Chezza."

Now she would introduce herself. They knew about her gems she might as well tell them who she was.

"I know I have not yet properly introduced myself. My name is Kiba. I am the last living decendant and reincarnation of the infamous pirate Ryoko. These gems are my birth rite and were passed down through generations so they may come to their rightful owner once more. That would be me. I will never allow them to be removed from my wrists."

She glared at all who had attempted to steal them as she spoke the last sentence. If anyone tried it again she would kill them without a second thought. They would regret the day they disrespected Ryoko's reincarnation. To her family Ryoko had been a Goddess. So when she was born there was much celebration and rejoicing. To them she was the holy child. But she had been named Kiba by her mother, much to her father's chagrin.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 6:10 pm

"So your another of the seven!" Terran said. "I'm Terran. Nice to meet you. I just met my first ghost today, and didn't like him very much. He was an enemy of my reincarnation, I guess."

He cocked his head slightly. "This is Arianna. She has an owl, Aira."

"I don't know where the headmaster, Toloni Ace, has gone."

Wed Aug 11, 2004 8:39 pm

"Pleased to meet you Kiba" Arianna said reaching her hand out to shake it.
"If theres anything you need or anything I can do for you please don't hesitate to ask."

The air began to smell stale, like it had lingerd for over 100 years. It was strange what was happening?

She wished Tonoli was back she had soo many questions to ask.

Wed Aug 11, 2004 9:42 pm

"Not you again. Go away, leave me alone." Terran muttered as the ghost he had fought earlier appeared behind him. "I don't like you."

"Of course you don't, Trystan. We're enemies, remember?" the ghost said.

"Stop calling me Trystan! And no, I don't remember!" Terran yelled, swirling to face the ghost.

"Oh, naughty. You taught me to keep control of my anger." The ghost replied, grinning.

"I didn't teach you anything!" Terran said, desperately.

"Oh, you didn't, did you?" the ghost replied, glaring. "You did, Trystan. You did. Many, many years ago. Sooner or later, you'll remember... but because you don't right now..." Suddenly, the ghost disappeared, with an echoing laugh.

"You have not seen the last of me, Trystan Thundersword! We shall meet again!"

Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:48 am

Name: Raiu Worren
Age: 15
Gender: male
Position: student
Reincarnation of: Kenshin Hemura ((Batosi the Man slayer. A famous japanese warrior))
Appearance: Long red hair, redish brown eyes, and a cross shaped scar on his check that he got in a fight at a young age))
School (East or west): East
Other: Always carries his katana on his side and isn't very social

Thu Aug 12, 2004 6:31 am

Kiba's head spun some more. So many people and names. She couldn't keep up with it all. All of a sudden a ghost, not Chezza, appeared. Terran seemed to know it from sometime before. Kiba couldn't take the strain from the unexpected company and passed out cold.

Mon Aug 16, 2004 2:43 pm

Arianna glanced at the ghost that was taunting Terren. She couldn't believe it's great resemblance the the ghost she had seen crying earlier. It kept referring to a Trystan... could that be the same ghost? Looking around as if to be expecting another ghost to be appearing at any time.
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