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Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:38 pm

That was a good game, even if I was killed right off the bat :P .
I was the Silver Surfer before I was offed and Guineadan took my role.

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 4:56 pm

Im sorry that the scenes werent longer and involving more story. I would have if I could have but it was the same reason why the scenes were delayed. Ive had a TON of homework, but I hope you guys had fun. Thanks for playing my first game :D

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:17 pm

Haha, my role changed so much @_@

Penguin wrote:Solomon Grundy
Alignment: None yet
Purpose: None yet

Cyrus Gold, a gangster in the late 19th century, was killed and thrown in the Slaughter Swamp in Gotham. Chemicals that have been poured into the swamp have brought him back to life, more as a decomposed swamp monster than a human. Being a zombie, Solomon Grundy truns into a huge, extremely unintelligent villain who often works for others because he can't think of his own plans.

Role Power: You're a zombie therefore you'll take on the role of the first dead

None yet

Team Members:
None yet


Penguin wrote:(zombie) Silver Surfer
Alignment: Marvel Innocents
Purpose: Defeaft everyone but fellow Marvel Innocents
Faced suddenly with the total destruction of his world by planet-consuming Galactus, Radd strikes a deal with the omnipotent space-god. In return for the safety of Zenn-La and his lover, Shalla-Bal, Radd pledges himself to serve as Galactus' herald and to seek out other planets for the world devourer to feed on. In striking this bargain, Radd also satisfies his long-held desire to adventure beyond the limiting world of his home. Accepting the young mortal's sacrifice, Galactus imbues him with a portion of the Power Cosmic, transforming him into the Silver Surfer.

Role Power: Psychologist: Each night send a list of five people and if the serial killer is on the top of the list they will be converted to a plain innocent and you'll be rewarded with a day kill and a resurrect.

Shield: 40

And finally:

Penguin wrote:You have found Galactus but since you're the (zombie) silver surfer your role is reversed and you are instead put onto the team with Galactus (Blk Mage). You are given a day kill and ressurect also.

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:47 pm

pickles did such an amzing job once we were all gone. i thought we would be the first team to lose but we were third? shouldnt we of been 2nd since we outlasted Death Company?

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:01 pm

No pickles got converted before executio and once this happened you lost

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:09 pm

Penguin wrote:Gypsy
Alignment: Justice League
Purpose: Defeat everyone but fellow Justice League

Cindy Reynolds is born to Edward and June Reynolds, who live their life in a peaceful, suburban home. Cindy grows up an intelligent and toughened barefooter, which is later always to be one of her best signature trademarks as a teenager. Soon after Cindy's brother is born, Edward and June begin to fight. Cindy tries to keep her parents together but mostly suffers some abuse as well. When her powers of illusion begin to manifest at age fourteen, Cindy runs away from home, buying a one-way bus ticket to Detroit.

Role Power:
Resurrect: Four times during the game you may resurrect a dead player, send the name, and they will immediately be resurrected.

Shield: 30

Told ya you'd be dead without me. XD
I'm just an idiot and didn't realise Pixa had already used his power.

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:44 pm

Haha, I don't really see why ckillor hates me so much to want me dead xD It was his fault he died =O

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:18 pm

So, DM was the one who rezzed me?

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 9:26 pm

guineadan wrote:Haha, I don't really see why ckillor hates me so much to want me dead xD It was his fault he died =O

well i don't hate you, i want a little revenge is all. but it was becasue you got everyone to gang up and me that i came out of the evil closet.

so pickles got converted? o_O

can't wait until the nextone starts!! any idea on when?

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:40 pm

Yeah, I got converted...that was Pixa's backup if I took out any of his team when we made the deal: he'd convert me, and I'd kinda regret it at that point, wouldn't I? I was hoping not to be converted until after execution, but {shrugs} it wasn't up to me.

And darn, I guess I got DM and Christopher mixed up. Ah well. They were still on the same innocent team.

I have no idea when the next one starts, nor who's hosting it. I'm considering getting back on the hosting list again for the spring. If I did, would y'all prefer another Star Trek one (different series) or a Harry Potter one? (I've got at least decent ideas for both.)

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:49 pm

Penguin wrote:Lobo
Alignment: Death Company
Purpose: Defeat everyone but fellow DC Villains

Lobo is a Czarnian with exceptional strength and fortitude. He enjoys nothing better than mindless violence and intoxication. Killing is an end in itself: His name is Khundian for "he who devours your entrails and thoroughly enjoys it". He is also arrogant and self-centered, focusing almost solely on his own pleasures, although he proudly lives up to his word--but exactly his word: no more or no less than what he promised. Lobo is the last of his kind, having committed complete genocide by killing all the other Czarnians for fun

Team Power:
Your team doesn't necessarily have a power but for every team member still alive (excluding yourself) your shield is boosted 15 points

Role Power: No one likes you: They don't want you the living or dead, so you can only be killed through execution

40(plus 3 team mates)= 85

Team Members:

Without a nightkill this game was really hard for our team =/ But wow we got second place yay :D Good Job to pickles and the jl.

The problem was that after twizzler died we basically couldn't do anything so as an evil team we had to use execution to kill which is really hard to do. We took advantage of stealing DM's role very early in the game and rezzed hansy and crazy (although penguin said he didn't get converted, but he did O_o) we were going to rez noo I think but then twizzler died. We got protection and a daykill from crazy, and got Hansy to execute may, but apart from that we were largely unable to do much. And I don't get why my shield was so low compared to the other evil players...

anyway good game :)

edit - also, can someone who goes on randomness tell me if the website is down or some? I keep on getting an error when I try to go there, it says connection problems...

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sat Oct 27, 2007 11:57 pm

Allignment: Justice League
Purpose: Defeat everyone but fellow Justice League

born Kal-El on the alien planet Krypton, before being rocketed to Earth as an infant by his scientist father moments before the planet's destruction. Adopted and raised by a Kansas farmer and his wife, the child is raised as Clark Kent, and imbued with a strong moral compass. Upon reaching maturity the character develops superhuman abilities, resolving to use these for the benefit of humanity.

Role Power: Indestructible: You cannot be killed for the first five days except through execution

Shield: 110

I tried to entice people to attack me early and waste their powers, but a Superman that can't do anything felt a little odd.

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:11 am

Randomness is down at the moment.

Much woe and sadness.

*mopes with nothing to do*

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sun Oct 28, 2007 12:38 am

Yea,, finnally on a winning team and survived to the end to isn't that great.

Thanks for the game pinguin.

Wasn't that a great twist at the end Getting down the last of both teams at once. I took a chance knowing pickle could have killed me at any moment. I thought it would be best to get rid of the Death team first sorry twizz :D Didn't realize that was your team. Made for a great ending though.

Allignment: Justice League
Purpose: Defeat everyone but fellow Justice League

Ice was born the eldest child to King Olaf and Queen Elin of the Ice people of Norway. The Ice people are isolationist who were thought of as just legends by the regular folk of Norway. There are indications that the Ice folk were descendant from Frost giant types. The people used to have many amazing abilities to produce and shape snow, ice and crystal. Most likely due to inbreeding the old talents were dying out, with crystal making being a very rare talent. Another problem was that the young icemaidens were discouraged about using their powers. Into this world Tora was born. She was the apple of the King's eye, but Tora was too curious about the outside world and her powers. Olaf was afraid that Tora could be stolen away by the warm-bloods outside the Ice kingdoms walls, like earlier icemaidens had been. Tora was kept close, and when she reached her teens a marriage to crystalmaker Ymir was planned. Ice had other plans, and marriage to Ymir was out of the question.

Role Power: Purity: You have a keen eye for others' personalities and twice during the game you may send a list of 5 people and the top most live player will have their role revealed either publicly or to you in private (must include which with your list)

Re: The Rubbish Bin- WWXXIX Groupies

Sun Oct 28, 2007 3:39 am

Aww, Chipper, you told me the truth! :hug:
And actually, I was trying to figure out if you were a baddie or not, to confirm that I was right about Larxyle and Ammer. Larxyle had me going for a bit...but then he made the comment about being a Marvel, and that gave in the end. ;)

So...there wasn't a death company dreamer? (or did I just miss them somewhere?) {confused} That's actually a pretty good advantage for their team...definitely counters not having kills. If you're not dreamed...then it's even harder for the innocents to find you. That was an interesting baddie team concept. I mean, I'm still glad I was on the one killing, but it was definitely a new thing for me to wrap my head around.

And now, Christopher, I think I understand why you felt so helpless at the end of the game. Kinda odd that both you and Chipper were still alive, but had no powers left to speak of.
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