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Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:14 pm

Oh, yeah. I forgot about voting for two people. lol That probably could have helped us the past couple days. XD

Twiz, is there any reason we can't?

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:02 pm

*stamps foot*

And I would've gotten away with it too...if it weren't for you pesky kids!

Seriously though, why do you all automatically assume that -I- killed Christopher?

I think (and with good reason) that you have a traitor among you. I think that she has been converted, so...

Vote: Jasujo

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:22 pm

Yes, I've totally been converted. That's why I've attempted to rez Mongrel every single night since I was able to after I rezzed Anvil. Evil just doesn't feel the same unless you've rezzed a dreamer to out you. XD

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:28 pm

Jas Frost wrote:Yes, I've totally been converted. That's why I've attempted to rez Mongrel every single night since I was able to after I rezzed Anvil. Evil just doesn't feel the same unless you've rezzed a dreamer to out you. XD

But were they successfully rezzed?

I rest my case.

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:50 am

Jas Frost wrote:Oh, yeah. I forgot about voting for two people. lol That probably could have helped us the past couple days. XD

Twiz, is there any reason we can't?

Hmm. Well, you should be able to do it until one more person is killed. :)

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Wed Dec 24, 2008 4:52 am

Vote: jellyoflight

Anybody know of any other leads?

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:25 am

Well, in the case of waste not, want not.

Vote: Pheonix

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:37 pm

Seeing as I know nothing about Phoenix, I'm okay with voting that way as my second vote.

Vote: Phoenix

Phoenix, if you would like to declare your innocence, we're waiting. :)

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:16 pm

Vote: Jellyofflight

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:08 am

Votes, Day 24--
Jellyoflight (6) -- Pickles, Pixa, Jasujo, Miyu, Dyl, averly, StuMan
Jasujo (1) -- jellyoflight
pheonix (1) -- Miyu, Pickles

Ten Players still alive, majority is 6, 75% is 7.

Before Execution
The ghostly figure of Mongrel slowly flickered in and out once again... however, once again she could not successfully join the group.

Someone attempted to resurrect Mongrel, but could not.

Execution, Day 24--
"jellyoflight, hmm?" Erwit Mayesti asked, pondering. She looked over jellyoflight quickly, trying to think of the best way to do things.
Finally, she handed jellyoflight a basketful of apples. "Juggle," she ordered.
jellyoflight shrugged and threw the basket in the air.
"No! Wrong!" Erwit Mayesti interrupted, catching the basket. She pulled out five apples and started tossing them towards jellyoflight, once again ordering her to juggle.
jellyoflight started juggling like crazy, but unfortunately, she was not very skilled at it. Soon, she dropped her first apple.
Unfortunately, it was one of the ones that exploded. jellyoflight was immediately killed, and as she started falling forward, a beautiful woman with a headful of snakes came rising up.
"Medusa," Erwit Mayesti stated. But she also thought that had been pretty obvious.

jellyoflight has been executed, and killed. She was Medusa.

I want to know what everyone wants to do, because tomorrow is Christmas. Do we want to delay things a full day, or do we want things to go on as normal (although possibly delayed, depending on how family is)?

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:25 am

Votes for delaying, and is surprised at what he thinks is an early execution. o_O

EDIT: Also, could the list on the front page be updated?

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:33 am

...Actually, it was 8 minutes and a day late. Maybe it seems early because I delayed it yesterday?

Before I forget, everyone may now only vote for one person.

Night Scene--
Twizzler was walking towards her tent when she happened upon a stone statue of Miyu. She seemed to be glowing, but it wasn't the glow of protection that had happened before... rather, it seemed to be coming from above her. Twizzler looked up only to see a ghostly figure, glowing far brighter than any of the other figures had done.
"I am Ekhi, protector of the innocents!" the figure exclaimed before heading off to the Book of Myths.
Twizzler frowned at the loss, and then continued on to her tent.

Miyu was turned into a statue. She was Ekhi.

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:34 am

I vote for delay as I will be working at the boxing day test tommorow. Yes It is christmas today in the land down under.

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:47 am

Labyrinth --
Party 2:
Send Scouts (1) -- Jasujo

Labyrinth, Day 25--
"Well, with only one vote to send scouts... I guess that's what you'll do," Erwit Mayesti stated. She glanced over everyone, deciding who would make the best scout. "Um. Pardona," she chose at random.
Pardona shrugged and started walking off... hoping he wouldn't meet the big spider while all alone.

Party Two Movements:
Wait for scouts.

Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends

Thu Dec 25, 2008 3:24 pm

Aw. :/ We lost both a baddie and an innocent.

Vote: pheonix

We know little about them.

Also, I'd suggest delaying a day, too, since it is Christmas and people might be busy. :)
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