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Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:51 pm

Wind wrote:
Siniri wrote:If people want to play again, I'm willing to host the next round.

Why not, you get my official stamp of approval XD and pip can go next so she stops her winning streak, but I suggest we all gang up on her in the next game anyway.

Thanks, Wind! This way you get to play, too. Any thoughts on whether I should try to start one soon and finish before the holidays, or wait until afterwards since many people will be travelling soon? Also, how'd people like loser's rule modifications? I personally enjoyed having everyone stay in the game, but I don't want to let my personal bias decide.

I thought of a couple of rule modifications that might make things more interesting and interactive -- a bonus for a one-person minority (such as Pip had this time) -- but a penalty for a 2-person minority (depending on the size of the game, of course)... Or do people enjoy the fact that there's a game where all you have to do is stealthily submit a PM every night and not want a lot of interaction?

P.S. Pip, seriously, just read the story already -- it takes less than 5 minutes. My English teacher told us that he'd originally written an ending and people didn't like it so much, so he changed it to the non-ending -- but then she couldn't tell me what the original ending was! I'd really like to know, but a google search didn't indicate anything about that. It's been bugging me for over a decade now.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:06 pm

Aaargh, now the idea of the lost ending will torment me too D=

As for the game, this round lasted for less than two weeks and with loser's modifications people aren't penalized too much if they miss a day or two, so I'm fine with starting right away. Of course you should ask everyone else too :P (and then go with the minority of course).

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:55 pm

I say start right away. I want to play now :P

Even with holidays coming up, I think most people will be able to get on for a minute or two each day, which is really all it takes.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:00 pm

Yeah, I'd like to start right now too!

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:46 pm

count me in

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:48 am

I like the lives system. Having an even number of people is dangerous, and it makes things a bit more exciting

That being said if you do run this during the holiday season, the point system would make more sense, as even though it only takes a minute or two do participate in this game, it would be easy to forget in this busy time.

I'm not sure I understand the penalty for a two person minorty rule.
do you mean like?
Majority (7), name name name name...
Minority (2) person person

That persons would lose points? If thats the case, then I disapporove.

As for the one person minority, I was tempted to do that rule, but I didn't think establishing it after the fact was fair.

So the rules I recommend:[list]
[*] Players start off with -1 points.
[*] Sending 1-3 questions gives you 1 point.
[*] When a player answers in the minority, the gain 1 point
[*]If you are luck enough to be the only person to select one choice, you will recive a bonus point
[*] If you miss one round, it's ok
[*] Any additional rounds missed without a concrete excuse, you will lose 1 point
[*] If you get to -3 points, you are eliminated
[*] First person to 5 wins /list]

As for my tiebreaker idea, it might be best for me to PM you if you are interested.

That being said, start NOW!
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