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Looking Back

Wed Jul 27, 2011 11:04 pm

Even after, what, three years? here I'm still never sure where to put a topic so you're welcome to move it if it's wrong.

After welcoming a new member today I couldn't resist looking for my original introduction page and seeing how different I was.
So, so, so different. I remember thinking I was so cool at the time :lol: and as I read over all my first few posts I sat here thinking "Gosh, was that me? Did I really act like that?"

Anyone else feel the same, or am I the only one? o_O

Re: Looking Back

Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:23 pm

For those who actually care to examine themselves, pretty much everyone cares how they were in the past. I've read through many an old journal entry, blog post and forum response and felt the same way at how I've grown. At least it's a show that my mind is evolving, which is better than noting I've become stagnant. But I guess the question is, are you happy at the direction you went in comparison to where you were? :roll:

Re: Looking Back

Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:39 pm

I believe I posted my introduction page when I was 12 (and I know I was 11 when I first joined the forums). Oh God... the things I said... and did... I am highly embarrassed. I would hope I got more mature since then - if I was acting the same as I did when I was in elementary school, that would be terrible. I at least know for sure that I don't say "w00t" nearly as much anymore.

Zero from Mega Man X is still totally awesome, though. That part didn't change. :D
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