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Re: The bad news thread

Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:06 am

Blue wrote:That doesn't sound too good, Jacob. Hopefully, they will tell you what's going, and I hope all works out OK.

So...I wasn't getting fired, though it's going to go down that road in a bit (more on that in a moment). I was getting a warning about my performance, and was being told I wasn't working fast enough and had poor professionalism. I knew I couldn't work any faster than I was doing, and when I asked what I could do to meet their demands...well, they saw that as the poor professionalism. Seriously. Apparently my concern at getting proper training is being seen as argumentative and combative. I was yelled at for 30 minutes earlier this week. I wonder how my supervisors ever got their position without talking to a decent human being. :roll: It's a fair bet I'm going to be fired soon enough, because I've sworn off even talking to my supers unless I need some information. Hopefully I can get that from them without them becoming emotional again. Job search...begin anew! :evil:
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