PC, X-Box, Playstation 2, Gamecube and so on. Hints, tips and discussion here.
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Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Tue Sep 18, 2007 4:11 pm

HPQ will be AMAZING for my HP warrior (I think). They still have all of the pigs at the end that give way above average EXP don't they?

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Wed Sep 19, 2007 3:59 am

Nexon royally screwed up that one :P Officially releasing Ludi Maze PQ as 35-50 and making me all excited :O

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sat Sep 29, 2007 9:24 am

Time for a thread-reviving question:

So I'm on that silly quest that needs you to get 10 old book ghost's papers or something along the lines of that, but all I keep getting from Book Ghosts are plain old papers. Is there something I need to do with them to somehow tranform them into the required ones, or are the needed papers just a really rare drop that you can only get if you're very lucky? o_O

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:43 am

I wouldn't say really rare. It took me around two hours on the release date of Mu Lung. Still, they can definitely take their time.

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sat Sep 29, 2007 10:00 pm

Thanks Pixa. ~:>

Guess I'll just need to be patient then. Very well. xD
Though with those new megaphones popping up every few minutes and freezing me for a few seconds, it's going to be more annoying than it has to be.

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sun Sep 30, 2007 2:30 am

How do you calculate what level you need to be at to attack a monster successfully? More to the point, how do I kill Junior Neckis? If you need extra information let me know.

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sun Sep 30, 2007 5:37 am

sape789 wrote:How do you calculate what level you need to be at to attack a monster successfully? More to the point, how do I kill Junior Neckis? If you need extra information let me know.

Here's an accuracy calculator, just fill in your level and accuracy stat and it'll calculate your chance for you.
Jr. Necki's are quite evasive though, you might not be 100% hitting them for a while, depending on your class.

Maple Wedding Bells are Ringing

Tue Oct 02, 2007 5:36 am

JadeRose (Laq) and Yravae (Syrill) were engaged through a totally random and spontaneously engagement ceremony that Miyu helped with. Somehow, a wedding sprung up out of this enormously random event. So, if you really wanted to attend the wedding, err...tell me or Laq and we'll try to work you in. =]

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:27 pm

Hum ...
Many people (including me) have been having problems with signing in and staying in the game for long periods of time, and they believe it was due to the GG update, since that's when things started to go wrong. I was just wondering if anyone here's been experiencing this as well, or if it's just my/our luck, once again?

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:52 pm

I haven't been having problems with logging in or staying on since the last update, but I have noticed that the game is really, really laggy since then (for me, at least).

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Wed Oct 24, 2007 9:59 pm

mayanspypilot wrote:I haven't been having problems with logging in or staying on since the last update, but I have noticed that the game is really, really laggy since then (for me, at least).

Which leads me to believe it's our computers.
They aren't exactly the best/newest ones around.

Tsk, oh well.
Hopefully we'll figure out a way to actually get on by the time they let non-NX people get into the mansion. That or maybe they'll have another update by then. *keeps fingers crossed*

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Thu Nov 08, 2007 5:55 pm

:) I finally got NX Cash (I decided just screw it all and use PayPal because stupid NX Cards weren't available at CVS). So it only let me charge $30, but, whatever. Anyway, I'm Battuta on Bera. :)

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Thu Nov 08, 2007 9:34 pm

I'm currently using WorthlessBum on Bera, permabeginner (I'm on job hiatus). xD

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Sat Nov 10, 2007 12:25 am

:P In case some of you missed the lovely TCG promotion, I have two extra codes. I'd suggest probably trying the website first just in case though. They probably have codes for you. =] If not, I'll pm you the extra codes I have. =]

Re: Maple Story (split like a good pancake)

Tue Jan 01, 2008 5:08 pm

I play Maple. Level 30 Sader, banned for a month for hacking.
Yes, I hack. I prefer to skip hitting CTRL for weeks. And weeks.
Anyway, got to level 30 in 10 hours.

EDIT: I'm O r n inous on Broa (after unban)
and SinkLntoFire on Mardia (level 1x archer)
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