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Virtual Life Games Board Rules

Mon Apr 07, 2008 8:15 am

Feel free to discuss virtual life games here. This includes any game where you assume the role of a character or pet and take care of it or buy it things. Examples are: Subeta, Webkinz, Gaia, IMVU, (fluff)Friends, Marapets, etc.

When posting a thread, you must put the name of the game you are talking about first in the title, to keep things organized. Example titles:

Gaia - How do you get the new event items?

(fluff)friends - Pet and Racing Thread

If the name of certain games are somewhat long, suitable abbreviations will be posted here as a key.

Also, there is already a completely seperate section for Neopets discussion. Please post there if you'd like to discuss Neopets. :)

Thank you very much! :)
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