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Flash movie text fade effect

Wed Oct 06, 2004 11:13 am

You know in movies how its all black and you have an epic music score playing int he background while white words jump up and fade like

"A king is coming"... *fade*
"Prepare for his coming..." *fade*
"There will be a great war..." *fade*

does anyone know how to do this or have links to flash tuts for this?

Wed Oct 06, 2004 8:46 pm

Google it.
This one's my favorite.

Wed Oct 06, 2004 10:43 pm

It's pretty easy to figure out (Marissa's linked tutorial probably has it though)- create your layer with the text and convert it to a graphic symbol (to make it "solid"), then create a keyframe _ seconds/frames away with it at alpha 0%. Create a motion tween between the two. (Although for some reason, I had thought it was a shape tween before. Blah.)

If this doesn't work...ignore me. :P
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