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Game Giveaway of the Day

Sat Feb 24, 2007 4:12 pm


The site is just what it looks like - every day it gives you the chance to download a game that usually you'd have to pay for.
Granted, not all games given are good, and they give mostly older titles, but every week I can find at least one game that's worth keeping.
In the file you download there's a .txt document that tells you how to install and activate the game. The catch is that you have to complete the download and activation of the game before the day is over, because as soon as the clock hits midnight there will be a new game up. I haven't met any problem so far, but there's a rather helpful community and if you have a problem with installation someone will give you a reply soon.
I like the site, and my antivirus does too. So far I haven't met any problems with it. I'd recommend it to anyone with a low attention span, or who can't afford to buy too many games online.
And of course the more popular the site gets, the more game companies will accept to give away some of their games to advertise, and the quality of the games given away will increase.
So... uh... give it a try :P it's free.
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