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A new website....

Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:10 am

Skipping from neopets website, to neopets website, trying to find one that has it all. ppt is the closest I've found so far:) is small, but has good lists.

Re: A new website....

Thu May 08, 2008 8:49 pm

When you're done checking out around here (I agree the information is substantial), why not go to my Neopets site, I've tried to create a welcoming environment for all Neopets fans to learn from (making the graphics was fun too), and I'd absolutely love for anyone to come and visit my work. I need all the help I can get, and if you weren't accepted for a job at PinkPT, there's a huge chance I'll welcome you with open arms (smaller site = more work = yay!) Thanks everyone!

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