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help with pet site! no skills needed just enthusiasm ^^

Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:51 pm

I need help with my site!
Basically, I am really trying to do the last few things for my site Widgie World (www[dot]widgieworld[dot]com) which is like a pet site but where you train and send your creatures to work.

Nearly all the coding is done and a launch is in sight, but there are still lots of sections which need attention and I just can't do it all.

Are you interesting in ANY of the following:
- creating items, avatars, characters or locations (concept, photoshop or flash-style images - or just helping with the databases)?
- helping to build up a virtual world?
- proof reading and making suggestions about site navigation or layout?
- designing/formatting pages like user lookups, shops, etc?
- being part of a new site with great potential?

Even if you don't think you have great coding/art skills you can really help me out by just giving up some of your time for the site.

If you have the time and are willing PLEASE message me or email Although I am unable to offer pay for your help, I am happy to do any favours in return that I can!!


NB: If you would like to take a look at the site, you will need beta privileges. I suggest you log in with the username beta01 and password crocodile2245
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