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Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:10 am

Sunset Boulevard. I had to watch it for a class, but now I'm just obsessed. I always keep hoping Joe will get out of that house and go off with Betty, and I get so engrossed that I forget to take notes.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:00 pm

Van Helsing. It is SO dumb.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:36 pm

Igg wrote:Van Helsing. It is SO dumb.

Here Here.

Go watch Bleach trust me it is more interesting. I can't seem to play episode 27 though.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Thu Dec 04, 2008 5:01 am

Dedication - WOWOWOWOWOW. I loved this film. Who knew Mandy Moore could act? And have dark hair?

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Thu Dec 04, 2008 8:06 pm

Edward and Jacob are SO CUTE.


The Bucket List

So sad! I was almost crying at the end. I loved it though.


Very cute. I liked it.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:49 pm

Lord of War - An interesting movie about gun-running. It starred Nicholas Cage and had smaller roles played by Jared Leto and Ian Holm. None of the other actors were really that well known. It was a bit long and slow for my taste, so I won't be going out of my way to watch it again, but it was a decent movie.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:19 pm

Zack and Miri make a porno.
Stupid film.
I mean, bash your head in with a rock because you won't need to tax it with such outside ideas as plot.
I think this was meant to be a romance, all I could do was wonder why such stupid people were allowed to exist.
That said, it had a couple funny moments, and wasn't a complete abomination to my funny bone. No way in the hells I'd pay to see it again, but I wouldn't object if it turned up in my DVD collection one day.

Shot for frikkin shot, a remake of the Spanish film [REC].
Did away with the pseudo-magic nonsense of the original and gave us some pseudo science and made it a Virus (I refuse to spoiler that. It's clearly a zombie film. Zombies are ALWAYS virus')
Not a bad film, inspite my initial doubts, some interesting tidbits are loitering around in the background that a lot of people seemed to miss (The hint being, I wasn't looking at the lead females chest, but rather the clippings on the wall...) which added to the... "Mythos" of the story.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:07 pm

Madagascar 2: Escape to Africa

Really funny. I definitely recommend it :)

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:30 am

Shoot 'em Up.

*facepalm* terribad. So so so... terribad.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:16 pm

Thirteen Ghosts - I've seen it before when I was younger (it really scared me, I was terrified for months) but watching it again makes me laugh. It had the potential to be a good movie, but they screwed it up.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:25 pm

Chicago - Brilliant musical, even if Renee Zellweger looks absolutely freakish. Catherine Zeta Jones and Richard Gere were great, and I just realized that the best friend from Talladega Nights is in this!

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 13, 2008 4:04 am

Ghost Town - I just realized why I love this movie so much. It's hilarious!

"Your shoes look comfortable,"

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:36 pm

As amazingly hypnotizing Robert Pattinson is can be, I just sat there laughing most of the time.
I will definitely own this movie on DVD just for the lulz :P

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:08 pm

Igg wrote:Van Helsing. It is SO dumb.

I read the book...even THAT was painful. I can't imagine how much the movie must have made you want to drown yourself.

Fiddelysquat wrote:Chicago - Brilliant musical, even if Renee Zellweger looks absolutely freakish. Catherine Zeta Jones and Richard Gere were great, and I just realized that the best friend from Talladega Nights is in this!

John C. Reilly is HILARIOUS in Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. shapu recommends it, but remember, it's a sendup of music biopics, so it's got some weird moments. Also brief male frontal nudity, which is weird in its own way.

Last movie I saw was Star Trek: Nemesis. Just like X-Men 3, it's a movie I wish could be remade so we'd forget about how bad the first version was.

Re: Last Movie You Watched & What You Thought [Split]

Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:12 am

3lla wrote:Twilight
As amazingly hypnotizing Robert Pattinson is can be, I just sat there laughing most of the time.
I will definitely own this movie on DVD just for the lulz :P

I went and saw Twilight the Saturday after it came out (the next day) with some friends of mine and as much as I loved the book, it just made me laugh. The funniest part was the first time Edward smells Bella. His reaction was priceless and made me laugh so much. Good thing that clip is out there with the new SNL song as it fits perfectly.

Responding to the question... The last movie I saw in theatres was Twilight and the last movie I watched was Big Fish (I am currently watching it). Very good movie, different from the novel, but as I hadn't watched it in a while, it is always a good one to watch. It is also funny seeing a lighter film as opposed to Tim Burton's many darker ones out there. When I first saw Pushing Daisies, it reminded me so much of Big Fish, with the bright colours and just sheer amazingness.
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