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Re: Heroes [Split 5]

Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:06 am

Nathan's actions really aren't out of character though. He's always been a bit of a stubborn jerk. Remember in season 1 when he was going to let Peter blow up NYC? Remember how he didn't want to meet Claire and basically paid Meredith off?

I think he means well. I think that he's doing the wrong things for good reasons, if that makes sense.

I think that this past episode was pretty good, even though it was mostly just set-up. I like that Peter is slightly less powerful. Is the show turning into Lost now though? What haven't they ripped off?

Re: Heroes [Split 5]

Thu Feb 05, 2009 7:11 am



[crunching noises]

Claire: "Ugh, where am I"

Re: Heroes [Split 5]

Fri Feb 06, 2009 2:53 am

Christopher wrote:PREVIOUSLY ON LOST


[crunching noises]

Claire: "Ugh, where am I"

"And why am I pregnant?"

Re: Heroes [Split 5]

Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:32 pm

The 4th Volume (still season 3 though) of Heroes finally started for the UK on BBC2 today at 9:00PM GMT though I am guessing the UK are 2 episodes behind the US's NBC.

Second episode is on at 10:30PM GMT on BBC3 tonight.

Peter has got his coat back, he lost it for two volumes and now it is back.

So are the future events of volume 1 present day events in volume 4?

Well Nathan is doing things in the 4th volume that Future Nathan/Future Sylar was doing in volume 1 (Five Years Gone) only Nathan isn't yet president in volume 4.

Re: Heroes [Split 5]

Mon May 18, 2009 2:25 am

So is anyone going to keep watching the show next season?

I don't know if I will. I didn't hate seasons 2 and 3 as much as a lot of people, and I actually liked most of "Fugitives" but that finale was just horrible.

Why does Nathan get killed or almost killed every time he saves the day? He already almost died in the finales for seasons 1 and 2.

Did the writers forget about Claire's "magical healing blood"?

What about the fact that Peter is a nurse/paramedic?


Supposedly Sylar (Meaning Zachary Quinto, not just "Fake Nathan") will be back next season.

The only character I don't totally hate at this point is Hiro, and he's not in many episodes anymore since he lost his power.
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