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America's Best Dance Crew.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 8:58 pm

Does anyone here watch this pretty cool show. Its about Dance crews who compete agisnt each other week to week to see who is the best. You can take a look at the dances here.

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:40 pm

i like this show. i watched half of last season also.

this season, i like phresh select & fanny pak

i'm glad sassx7 got kicked off coz they were'nt even in the same league as the other dancers

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Sat Jul 12, 2008 10:00 pm


hands down best cru.
The show should have ended when they (i think!) won.

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:39 am

<3 Fanny Pak and So Real <3

my favorites for this season. Supreme Soul and Sup3r Crew I do not like...

It's too good to stop at one season :> and probably ratings gold if it came back for a second season so soon

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:45 am

SoReal is from my city!! :D
(Two of the guys actually went to my middle school and high school)

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Tue Jul 22, 2008 1:58 am

Thats pretty cool man. Did you know the personally or just acquaintances?

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Tue Jul 22, 2008 4:50 am

Brian and Mark.

I knew them as acquaintances, but I knew Mark (he's a grade older than me) kinda personally in middle school since we were both in the same group of friends. But I didn't really talk to him in high school. Brian is in our school's breakdancing club. I know of him, but not personally.

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Tue Jul 22, 2008 6:41 pm

i was upset when ASIID got kicked off. I liked Joey for being a great dancer even tho he's deaf

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Tue Jul 22, 2008 8:26 pm

i 3watchede the complete first season and was extremly impressed with many of the crews. jabbawockeez were my favorite crew, with break skate and kaba modern tied for second. i havent watched much of the second seasn, but i have it recorded for when im ready to watch it.

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:29 am

Fanny Pak all the way!!!!!!!!!!

I love them so much that me and a group of my friends learned the dance they did for the Speed Up Challenge, the one with the 80's Prom. Yeah, they are pretty amazing.

For this week's episode, I am fairly sure that they won't be in the bottom. They were the only group that the judges didn't have anything negative to say. If I had to guess, I'd say that Super Crew and SoReal Crew will be in the bottom this week (though, I also love SoReal Crew :D)


Ok, I am very concerned for Fanny Pak this week. So far, SoReal Crew and Boogie Bots have done a great job. Not saying that I didn't love Fanny Pak's performance, but I just don't think that they were on the same level as the other two. I just hope that if they are in the bottom next week, they don't get eliminated. >.<

Re: America's Best Dance Crew.

Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:50 pm

At this point, it will be a travesty if Fanny Pak does not make it to top 2. They've been getting the most praise alongside Super Cr3w and they are just awesome. Very memorable performances. Although I've said I like SoReal more than Super Cr3w, I want SoReal to go home cause a FP and SC bottom two will be a huge disappointment cause either of them could go home. If SoReal makes bottom two, they are for sure going home.
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