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Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:28 pm

With just two months to go and all of the year's eligible films in theaters (I think), it's time to start the pre-nomination predictions!

My predictions are that the five best picture nominated films will films will be:

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button -predicted winner
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire-NEW predicted winner

There are a few more that have worthy chances though. Revolutionary Road was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Drama; Wall-E has gotten a lot of Oscar hype despite being an animated film; The Wrestler was pretty highly praised by the Boston Globe, which gave pretty unfavorable reviews to three of the above films, so I feel like it may have a chance. I don't think Doubt will be nominated, since it's been getting kind of mixed reviews from what I hear. Of course, there are plenty of fans of The Dark Knight who would probably go on a rampage if it wasn't nominated, so you never know...

What do you think will get nominated/win this year?

(For those who don't know, the nominees will be announced on January 22, and the Academy Awards will be on February 22.)
Last edited by Byakuya San on Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 05, 2009 12:54 am

Just watch The Dark Knight sweep the board. Just watch.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:10 pm

Kitten Medli wrote:Just watch The Dark Knight sweep the board. Just watch.

I hope not as it was really over rated. Had Heath Ledger not died, the film would not have been given the aclaim it was.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 19, 2009 12:08 am

So after the Golden Globes and the Critic's Choice Awards, it seems like Benjamin Button would be lucky to win ANY awards. I've changed my mind to Slumdog Millionaire for predicted Best Picture Winner (partially aided by the fact that I actually saw it).

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:16 am

Kitten Medli wrote:Just watch The Dark Knight sweep the board. Just watch.

Sorry, it probably won't.

Perhaps in the Best Supporting Actor category (for Heath Ledger) but otherwise, it'll either lose or not be nominated.

I believe Slumdog Millionaire has the potential to sweep the awards.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 19, 2009 4:33 am

Having seen Slumdog Millionaire, I don't know how I feel about the idea of it sweeping the Oscars. It was very good, but it was kinda...forgettable. Milk was far more engaging to me, but I understand why it wouldn't be a Best Picture pick.
ahoteinrun wrote:Had Heath Ledger not died, the film would not have been given the aclaim it was.

Very true. But megahype aside, it was the only worthwhile blockbuster movie in ages, and I think it deserves a nomination or two at the Oscars. It did remind us that movies with mass appeal can also be legitimately good.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:53 am

ahoteinrun wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:Just watch The Dark Knight sweep the board. Just watch.

I hope not as it was really over rated. Had Heath Ledger not died, the film would not have been given the acclaim it was.

I agree. I like the movie, it was probably the best Batman made, but um...not Oscar worthy.

If Benjamin Button sweeps than I know nothing about movies and have the brain the size of a peanut because I thought it wasn't that great. Though I do hope David Fintcher wins for best director because I love Fight Club, and he seriously has such an amazing imagination that I can't even comprehend what his thoughts must be like.

I want Kate Winslet to win. I love her. She is amazing. She was definitely the stand out in Revolutionary Road, along with the fellow that was nominated for supporting actor, who I hope wins supporting actor.

I loved Heath Ledger, but he shouldn't win just because he died. I feel like if he wins he'll be winning based on lost potential, not because of his actual role. It's a shame he died. He probably would have won many Oscars in his time, but it wasn't meant to be. RIP Heath.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:55 pm

unspecialfish wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:Just watch The Dark Knight sweep the board. Just watch.

I hope not as it was really over rated. Had Heath Ledger not died, the film would not have been given the acclaim it was.

I agree. I like the movie, it was probably the best Batman made, but um...not Oscar worthy.

If Benjamin Button sweeps than I know nothing about movies and have the brain the size of a peanut because I thought it wasn't that great. Though I do hope David Fintcher wins for best director because I love Fight Club, and he seriously has such an amazing imagination that I can't even comprehend what his thoughts must be like.

I want Kate Winslet to win. I love her. She is amazing. She was definitely the stand out in Revolutionary Road, along with the fellow that was nominated for supporting actor, who I hope wins supporting actor.

I loved Heath Ledger, but he shouldn't win just because he died. I feel like if he wins he'll be winning based on lost potential, not because of his actual role. It's a shame he died. He probably would have won many Oscars in his time, but it wasn't meant to be. RIP Heath.

Sorry, but Kate wasn't nominated for Revolutionary Road. She got a nod for The Reader though.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:26 am

I'm pretty sure Speed Racer will win.

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Tue Jan 27, 2009 12:57 am

I am going to break with all of you and predict the actual winner.

It will be Dr Ron Paul in every category possible. He will sweep the Oscars, except for Best Picture which will go to his blimp, The Gold Standard. He graciously let Obama win the Presidentcy for this opportunity. With all of the gold from the trophies, he will take over the world when nation after nation bows down to him and converts back to the gold standard.

Ron Paul Forever!

Re: Academy Award Predictions 2009!

Wed Jan 28, 2009 7:52 pm

Slumdog's been clearing up everywhere else it's been, so why not here?
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