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Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:09 am

Was it ever explained why Faraday can't remember anything? (I.e. that scene when he tried to memorize three cards).

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:51 am

WIS wrote:
Byakuya San wrote:Okay, I'm kind of hooked on this now. I think for the most part I've managed to figure out what's going on, but in my travels on the internets I've seen a lot of people saying that Charlotte needs to find her Constant. Can anyone explain what that means to me? o_O

A while ago Desmond was traveling through time, and he was told by Faraday (I think) that he needs to find a constant - a person or thing that is familiar to him in both time zones. He eventually finds Penny as his constant and is saved from his nose-bleeding-to-death condition.

Although I personally don't think that's the problem with Charlotte, as nobody else in her group is having the same problem. I think that she might be experiencing similar symptoms to the girl Faraday left behind (the one that's all hooked up to tubes and UV drips).

I don't think it's either. Charlotte's indirectly indicated having been on the island prior to Operation Get Ben, whether having just lived there or having actually been born there. None of the other Losties or Freighter folk can say the same. This has GOT to tie in somehow. I've read a couple theories that tie the two together, but it's almost 3 AM right now and my brain isn't fully functioning, so I sadly can't really recall their brilliant explanations, but I think pretty much everyone who has a recap for Jughead up on DarkUFO has talked about it.

And if you don't visit DarkUFO, start. Biggest Lost fansite out there, and pretty much the only non-forum one I go to. My favorite Lost forum is located at There are other, more popular ones out there, but I like that that one's more medium-sized, but still very active. The bigger ones just confuse me, haha.

...I like how I seamlessly moved from discussing a theory to shamelessly plugging other websites.

Kitten Medli wrote:I just got into this show (finally) too, and I'm pretty much addicted. xD I'm still watching DVDs at the moment (just started 4). This show is such a pot of crack. It's amazing.

Season 4 or disc 4 of season 1? ...Yes, I do know off the top of my head how many discs there are for the DVD sets. D:

Anyway, welcome to our cult. If you're starting season 4, then you're definitely going to be happy here- it's a fantastic season (mostly), and definitely a reward for sitting through the ugh that was most of season 2 and the most of the first half of season 3. Ooh, and remember to check out all the DVD special features and easter eggs. Lots of easter eggs, you can search them on Lostpedia.

I dub thee Dharma Shark Bait. Shark Bait ooh hah hah!

I also give you a fish biscuit. Or Dharma-brand cookies. I guess you can have a tub of Dharma Ranch Dressing if you want.

WIS wrote:Was it ever explained why Faraday can't remember anything? (I.e. that scene when he tried to memorize three cards).

Not explicitly, iirc, but Lostpedia's page on Faraday has a section on perceived other memory problems of his. I think they're stretching a little with some of them, but whatever. (Yeah, he does pause before he says his name. He's also all alone with total strangers on a magical island. And he just got pushed out of a helicopter. Also, it's dramatic)

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:19 pm

I also recommend Lostpedia. That's a big time waster for me. :P

There's A "no spoiler" policy (which I see Dark UFO does not have) but it's very detailed. If you read it, you could talk about Lost comfortably without having seen a single episode. I still haven't watched about 1/3 of it (mostly season 4 because I haven't caught up) and I know what's going on.


Jiiiiiin! I knew he was alive! I really shouldn't be shocked because it was a little obvious (unless you see the corpse, don't believe they're dead). But I was really happy to see him alive and walking. Even though he's now once again surrounded by people who speak a language he doesn't understand. :P

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Fri Feb 06, 2009 7:35 pm

Not a bad episode, but not as good as the Faraday/Desmond episode Jughead.
Does anyone else besides myself feel sorry for Jin now that he actually knows english and is now surrounded by French speakers? I seriously think he might know something like 11 languages by the time the show is done :P Plus I'm quite interested to see how Montand(french fella) loses his arm seeing as Rousseau once said something about him losing it.

Now obviously Locke is going to move the island by turning the ice wheel and banish himself to the real world since he's dead and all. I mean that is the only way he could get off the island at the moment, but at this moment I'm kind of bored with the show to the point where I want the smoke monster to come back and kill some people.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Fri Feb 06, 2009 11:38 pm

Yeah...I feel bad for him too. But I still can't help but be a little amused. "Awwwwww SMURF! Not this again!"

I think I might be the only one enjoying the fact that the plot just got more confusing and weird. I love disorienting stuff like this. The time travel and the flashbacks/forwards (wouldn't it be absolutely creepy if Jack ended up dying in the past and turned out to be "Adam" from Season 1? He'd be taking the black and white stones from his own corpse only to die with them in his possession in the past. *shudders*)...I'm eating it up. I just hope there's a light at the end of the tunnel though. I am enjoying the ride, but I ultimately have my sights set on the destination. I just hope the writers are not in too far over their heads.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:50 am

3lla wrote:Not a bad episode, but not as good as the Faraday/Desmond episode Jughead.
Does anyone else besides myself feel sorry for Jin now that he actually knows english and is now surrounded by French speakers? I seriously think he might know something like 11 languages by the time the show is done :P Plus I'm quite interested to see how Montand(french fella) loses his arm seeing as Rousseau once said something about him losing it.

Now obviously Locke is going to move the island by turning the ice wheel and banish himself to the real world since he's dead and all. I mean that is the only way he could get off the island at the moment, but at this moment I'm kind of bored with the show to the point where I want the smoke monster to come back and kill some people.

lol your wish was kinda granted.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:07 am

I still really want to see more of the smoke monster and Jacob. They're the most interesting part of the show for me, and they don't get enough action.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:56 am

Kitten Medli wrote:I still really want to see more of the smoke monster and Jacob. They're the most interesting part of the show for me, and they don't get enough action.

What did you think of the most recent episode? :P

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:45 pm

theonlysaneone wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:I still really want to see more of the smoke monster and Jacob. They're the most interesting part of the show for me, and they don't get enough action.

What did you think of the most recent episode? :P

Ben's Flock of Seagulls hair was just too awesome. Lol

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Mon Apr 13, 2009 7:37 pm

Nikita wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:
Kitten Medli wrote:I still really want to see more of the smoke monster and Jacob. They're the most interesting part of the show for me, and they don't get enough action.

What did you think of the most recent episode? :P

Ben's Flock of Seagulls hair was just too awesome. Lol


Was anyone else seriously happy when Desmond beat him up though? Desmond really is just pure win. :D

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:19 am

3lla wrote:
Nikita wrote:
theonlysaneone wrote:
What did you think of the most recent episode? :P

Ben's Flock of Seagulls hair was just too awesome. Lol


Was anyone else seriously happy when Desmond beat him up though? Desmond really is just pure win. :D

That scene turned out about exactly how I thought it would. Still great.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:33 pm

I was glad to see a scene with Desmond...I've missed him. Now all I need is my Vincent fix..where the heck has he gone? Lol

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Tue Apr 14, 2009 8:07 pm

The show needs more Desmond and Faraday. Their episode in my opinion was the best one so far.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:39 pm

If you caught this weeks episode of might get a kick out of these screenshots: ... 9282ca.jpg ... 5f2c88.jpg

From the Empire Strikes Back Wiki page.

Re: Lost (Split @ 10)

Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:37 pm

3lla wrote:The show needs more Desmond and Faraday. Their episode in my opinion was the best one so far.

Well it looks like my wish might just come true! Was anyone else like OH NO WAY when Faraday came out of the sub? Might just be me and my geek love. <3
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