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Stranger than Fiction

Tue Jul 10, 2007 11:23 am

I just watched Stranger than Fiction -

Everybody knows that your life is a story. But what if a story was your life? Harold Crick is your average IRS agent: monotonous, boring, and repetitive. But one day this all changes when Harold begins to hear an author inside his head narrating his life. The narrator it is extraordinarily accurate, and Harold recognizes the voice as an esteemed author he saw on TV. But when the narration reveals that he is going to die, Harold must find the author of the story, and ultimately his life, to convince her to change the ending of the story before it is too late

Very very very very very good. Top 10 movies of the story of me, very good.

I totally recommend it to everyone!

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Tue Jul 10, 2007 5:45 pm

I too, thought it was very good. It was a very nice, warm, yet dark comedy. I enjoyed it even though there were many holes in the whole narrating thing.

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Wed Jul 11, 2007 3:32 am

Eh. I didn't think it was that amazing. It wasn't really even that funny IMO. The ending was blah.

I mean seriously, why have a big feel good ending? The point of the story was that he was going to die, why save him?

Definitely didn't think it was one of Will Ferrel's good movies. I'll stick to Talledega Nights thank you very much

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:50 am

Aw, I really liked this movie! Then again, I was an English major...and it's definitely an English-major-type-dorkiness movie.

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Wed Jul 11, 2007 2:20 pm

TDG, totally dissagree with you (totally based on personal choice though)

I really dislike practically every other Will Farrell movie... this was good though. I only got it for Maggie Glynenhalhalnahal...ect.. :P

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:10 pm

I adored this film, even though I had a deep urge to put a paper bag over Maggie Gyllenhall's head so I wouldn't have to look at her.

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Tue Jul 17, 2007 9:07 am

i loved this film. I thought it was something you don't eally see nowadays, but it was different and dark really.

Maggie Gyllenhaal did annoy me at times though

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Thu Jul 26, 2007 6:31 am

It was a good film even though I don't understand why it was labelled as comedy. It's more of a dark comedy/drama movie to me; didn't seem right to advertise it as a comedy.

Good movie all around, very original.

Re: Stranger than Fiction

Thu Jul 26, 2007 7:19 pm

I loved the movie. It wasn't really a comedy though, but it wasn't quite a drama either. There were some funny parts though.

The ending was kind of lame...

Didn't his watch save his life?
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