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Anime/Manga question

Sat Mar 17, 2007 3:25 pm

Ok, I don't read all that much Manga, and I've never seen an Anime in my life. But my boyfriend is trying to get me to read/watch Full Metal Panic! Apparently it's about a military dude who falls in love with a schoolgirl-me and my boyfriends exact situation :P. He also says there's an episode where they go through a haunted house, and she freaks out and he's stoic--again, what would happen with us. Could anyone direct me to that episode/volume? I'd appriciate it :D

Sat Mar 17, 2007 5:51 pm

I read mostly their manga, but that episode sounded familiar. I couldn't find it in any og the GNs that I have, but I did find: the class trip to Okinawa and Sosuke chasing ghosts only to have them be real, Chidori's date at the amusment park with Sosuke dressed as a mascot and armed with a shotgun, and Sosuke finding that someone had a crush on him and him thinking that it was an assassin.

Good luck with the search :)

Sat Mar 17, 2007 6:32 pm

Skynetmain wrote: Sosuke dressed as a mascot and armed with a shotgun

Having read the first 2 manga, I can safely say....O____O I wanna see THAT!!

Re: Anime/Manga question

Tue Nov 27, 2007 10:01 pm

Full Metal Panic; so far there is 2 season.

the scene you descripe, if I remember correctly I think that is more likely in Full Metal Panic; Fumoff.
it is kinda spin off show. but it's more hilarious that the actuall anime.

the best way to find out it, try google it> Full Metal Panic epsiode summery or something.
it will work some how. Since my laptop crashed and 1 Extern Hard Drive with it, I can't look it up for you. sorry
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