Got a little techonology problem that you need fixed pronto? Post it here and we'll see what we can do.
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My computer goes Boom o__o;

Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:20 pm

Heyy guys! :)
There's like... little problem.
You see, my computer is being very messed up.
It started by... ''Hey, I can't log in on my session'', so we go on my sister's.
Then it became, "Hey, I have to restart the computer 3 times in a row to have access to any session."...
Yesterday, it was more like : "Hey, it keeps going crazy and I lost data...Rawwr". (You know kind of "Raaaawr I ish Godzillaaa reaction. ("'\(o,...o)/"') Hehe)

Now it's all of this, plus I can't see ANY pictures...
So if I'm saying all this, it's cause it's obvious soon enough my computer won't even turn on so.. I was going to tell all of you that, if I disapear, I'm sorry it happens right when the forums comes back to life, I will miss all of you and I hope it's not going to be any long to fix. (Like not like last time... >_<)
If so, well have a good summer, and I love youu. <3
And MSN will probably work longer than this forum on my computer so if you want to contact me, go ahead. >>
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