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Sat Nov 04, 2006 5:55 pm

Ahh, ok. So the goal's not so much to vanquish the opponents as it is to use the opponents to earn points. Gotcha. Thanks!

Sat Nov 04, 2006 6:22 pm

I just finally managed my 10th win against the trees....it irks me to use stupid strategy ( 2 biggest hitters and berserk in the first round ) just to get the fight over in one round and avoid the second round "white screen " It's literally taken me 8 hours to win 10 fights! :P

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:07 pm

Is anyone else experiencing problems with the number of fights they have won and/or fought? I have fought at least 5 trees today, yet on the 1-player battledome page, it says that I have only fought one Black Elm and won. The other trees say that I have not fought those challengers yet, when I have tried to fight both at least twice today, and I know that I won a fight against a Savage Sycamore. Should I be sending an error report to TNT about this? I have cleared my cookies, cache, and history too, hoping that my fights would show up, but they still haven't.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:14 pm

Unfortunately,you're not alone,pilot .....I've seen several other people report the same problem, and I have actually won 5 more fights than I've gotten credit for. We can only hope it's affecting everyone equally so nobody gains an advantage from it. :)

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:27 pm

me, too. I have managed to complete a few battles today, but only one has been recorded even though I got past the "winner" screen. Most of them poop out before it's done (and pet is strong enough to win in 1 round.)

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:30 pm

A trick I discovered while getting very frustrated: if the page doesn't load properly while fighting, instead of refreshing hit the back arrow and then the forward arrow. It worked for me, and gave me my second win... ah yay.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:54 pm

I beat the Savage Sycamore fair and square and it didn't count on the main 1-player page D:

Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:31 pm

...I've won at least six times and with winning I mean gotten to the trophy page... and it's only counted 2. 2!!

And with my pets stats:
Str: 18
Def: 18
End: 19

Those were hard won victories. :x

<close rant>

Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:54 pm

Quoth Savage Sycamore:
BRRRRRRR... Stupid Neopets...

I concur. xD

I was able to get a few wins this morning, but this is impossible.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:21 pm

wats the best weapons to beat the trees.??

Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:39 pm

How on Earth do you guys even get into the battles? You're lucky enough just for that. :( I've been trying since yesterday and I *still* can't get in. :( It's so laggy, it's bad. Makes me really upset that I can't actually do anything.

...Sigh. If only I could just do a few battles. :(

Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:04 pm

What the Snegg? Now the Battledome doesn't even let my pet get in to fight at all despite it being perfectly well and not hungry :x
It just keeps asking me to select a pet to fight. Grah.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:26 pm

arg. I finally got a battle to load, and even got through it without any white screens I think, and of course I lost. And I can't heal yet because I'd just healed right before because things screwed up and it ended up saying I lost on the very first screen(before I even attacked). Not fair.

Although I did get this a couple fights back after I randomly decided to play in french. Check out the fourth line.

Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:32 pm

bah these are too easy i took all of them out in 1 hit

Sat Nov 04, 2006 11:46 pm

guardiandevil wrote:bah these are too easy i took all of them out in 1 hit

The battles are all too easy for a decently trained pet. That's where the term 'maxed out' comes in - you have to beat them until it's a real battle before you're allowed to brag. Hehe.
There are only a few problems preventing this, though:
1. Getting into the battle without the White/Error Page of Doom.
2. Sending an attack through without the White/Error Page of Doom.
3. Clicking the "next" button without the White/Error Page of Doom.

All three tasks must be accomplished without a Page of Doom for the win. Sigh.

But anyway, yay! I got three battles in a row without one! :D Three in a ROW. And I thought three in theirselves was amazing.

ETA: lol, Pipsqueeek. I'd hate to be French on this site. Or any language, come to think of it...
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