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Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:02 pm

How long have ppl been waiting 4??
some said a year??
I've heard their is another plot coming out in 2010, that was supposed 2 be out on the 1st of January 2008??
but i could be wrong?? o_O

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:03 pm

Wow, I hadn't heard of any 2010 happenings. I think we've waited a year or so. o_O Not sure.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:18 pm

sunny_shannon wrote:How long have ppl been waiting 4??
some said a year??
I've heard their is another plot coming out in 2010, that was supposed 2 be out on the 1st of January 2008??
but i could be wrong?? o_O

Wasn't the last plot the Journey to The Lost Isle plot? That was May last year, so almost a year. (Altador Cup doesn't count, right? It wasn't a plot, just an event. Ditto for the Games Master Challenge in November.)

I just spent the last hour or so trying out my battledome weapons and see if I am up to the challenge. Got thru all of the Defenders of Neopia series 2 challengers, but I'm still getting trounced by the Giant Ghostkerchief. So if we have any baddies that have between 1-100 HP, and their weapons aren't too tough, then I might have a chance...*gulp*

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:32 pm

Awesome, a new plot. I get to be here again!

This is the only Neopets stuff I actually have fun with.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:33 pm

cybertrini wrote:
sunny_shannon wrote:How long have ppl been waiting 4??
some said a year??
I've heard their is another plot coming out in 2010, that was supposed 2 be out on the 1st of January 2008??
but i could be wrong?? o_O

Wasn't the last plot the Journey to The Lost Isle plot? That was May last year, so almost a year. (Altador Cup doesn't count, right? It wasn't a plot, just an event. Ditto for the Games Master Challenge in November.)

I just spent the last hour or so trying out my battledome weapons and see if I am up to the challenge. Got thru all of the Defenders of Neopia series 2 challengers, but I'm still getting trounced by the Giant Ghostkerchief. So if we have any baddies that have between 1-100 HP, and their weapons aren't too tough, then I might have a chance...*gulp*

Yep, Journey to the Lost Isle was the last plot... and it felt much more like a mini-plot than a full blown plot. The ending was also... weak. I still think we're revisiting that tale sometime soon. Maybe Dr. Sloth has something to do with the giant petpetpets? We speculated about that earlier. I totally will NOT be shocked if we see Roxton, Lily, and everyone else again. Weren't there space-stationish things on the island? And we had "a mysterious voyage continues" on the site for ages (still do, actually). Maybe its wishful thinking to tie everything together... but I totally see them pulling the JttLI into this plot.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:34 pm

Meh, you know when you see giant Petpetpets, Dr. Sloth's somehow involved with this.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 9:45 pm

As far as the division between battle and puzzle steps, I'd like completely seperate evaluations for them. For example, there could be a battle trophy and a puzzle trophy. The top battler could get the top battle trophy, even if they never did any puzzle steps, and vice versa.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:00 pm

Matrinka wrote:
cybertrini wrote:
sunny_shannon wrote:How long have ppl been waiting 4??
some said a year??
I've heard their is another plot coming out in 2010, that was supposed 2 be out on the 1st of January 2008??
but i could be wrong?? o_O

Wasn't the last plot the Journey to The Lost Isle plot? That was May last year, so almost a year. (Altador Cup doesn't count, right? It wasn't a plot, just an event. Ditto for the Games Master Challenge in November.)

I just spent the last hour or so trying out my battledome weapons and see if I am up to the challenge. Got thru all of the Defenders of Neopia series 2 challengers, but I'm still getting trounced by the Giant Ghostkerchief. So if we have any baddies that have between 1-100 HP, and their weapons aren't too tough, then I might have a chance...*gulp*

Yep, Journey to the Lost Isle was the last plot... and it felt much more like a mini-plot than a full blown plot. The ending was also... weak. I still think we're revisiting that tale sometime soon. Maybe Dr. Sloth has something to do with the giant petpetpets? We speculated about that earlier. I totally will NOT be shocked if we see Roxton, Lily, and everyone else again. Weren't there space-stationish things on the island? And we had "a mysterious voyage continues" on the site for ages (still do, actually). Maybe its wishful thinking to tie everything together... but I totally see them pulling the JttLI into this plot.

Point! That whole stone temple did seem very Dr. Sloth-ish, especially the sketches and stuff...

ARGH!!! I hate the waiting at the beginning of a plot. We get all crazy, trying to figure stuff out, on random info that may or may not have anything to do with the plot. I hope TNT are having fun at our insanity, lol.

I checked Snarkie's lookup, and she says she's not on the plot team for this one, so no help at all from her (not that she can either way, but still...) I just wish they'd release the first step and let us get started...although since it's the 29th of the month, my guess it won't come out until Feb 1st...ARGH!!!

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:24 pm

Matrinka wrote:
cybertrini wrote:
sunny_shannon wrote:How long have ppl been waiting 4??
some said a year??
I've heard their is another plot coming out in 2010, that was supposed 2 be out on the 1st of January 2008??
but i could be wrong?? o_O

Wasn't the last plot the Journey to The Lost Isle plot? That was May last year, so almost a year. (Altador Cup doesn't count, right? It wasn't a plot, just an event. Ditto for the Games Master Challenge in November.)

I just spent the last hour or so trying out my battledome weapons and see if I am up to the challenge. Got thru all of the Defenders of Neopia series 2 challengers, but I'm still getting trounced by the Giant Ghostkerchief. So if we have any baddies that have between 1-100 HP, and their weapons aren't too tough, then I might have a chance...*gulp*

Yep, Journey to the Lost Isle was the last plot... and it felt much more like a mini-plot than a full blown plot. The ending was also... weak. I still think we're revisiting that tale sometime soon. Maybe Dr. Sloth has something to do with the giant petpetpets? We speculated about that earlier. I totally will NOT be shocked if we see Roxton, Lily, and everyone else again. Weren't there space-stationish things on the island? And we had "a mysterious voyage continues" on the site for ages (still do, actually). Maybe its wishful thinking to tie everything together... but I totally see them pulling the JttLI into this plot.

Yeah the last plot was quite disappointing. But I wouldn't be surprised if this plot some how ties into Journey to the Lost Isle.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:36 pm

who are Roxton and lily??
i havent done any of the previous quests as i joined 8 mnts ago!!
the 2008/10 plot-Jelly wold?? plot/ movie- see Jelly Blobs of Doom game 4 conformation.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:37 pm

sunny_shannon wrote:who are Roxton and lily??
i havent done any of the previous quests as i joined 8 mnts ago!!
the 2008/10 plot-Jelly wold?? plot/ movie- see Jelly Blobs of Doom game 4 conformation.

I always thought that was a joke... o_O

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:38 pm

i started playing on 31st May!!
awk so i just missed the Journey to the lost isle plot!!
Last edited by sunny_shannon on Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:40 pm

sunny_shannon wrote:who are Roxton and lily??
i havent done any of the previous quests as i joined 8 mnts ago!!

They were characters from the Journey to the Lost Isle plot. A lot of us think that there will be more to that plot, as it ended very abruptly. :)

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:44 pm

Roxton-- one of the main characters of the last plot, Journey to the Lost Isle.

Lily aka Lilian Fairweather-- another main character of the Journey to the Lost Isle.

Basically, they wanted to find a lost island... and found that it was infested with giant petpetpets who were quite nasty. They also found a tower that was very... space-like. Many of us thought it was going to signal the return of Dr. Sloth. (I still think it does - we're going back there in this plot probably... and it will finally be added onto the world map.)

Re: The Return of Dr. Sloth Plot!!

Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:46 pm

i've never heard of The Journey to the lost Isle - is that Mystery Island?
or Shenkuu?
or the Lutari place?

NO i don't think the 2008/10 plot ia a joke!
would they do that???
i dunno
i wounder o_O o_O
BTW thanx
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