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Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Fri Jul 06, 2007 10:53 pm

*blinks... rubs eyes* I.... I can't believe it... plot prizes.... are out....

I was SO SURE the plot wasn't over. They gave us such a blatant not-quite-ending and led us on with protesting too much hints in the editorial. It was so short... how can it be over?? I have lost all faith in TNT's coolness. That was the lamest plot ever. A bigger letdown than Altador. (at least we got an av and theme out of that one)

I don't even really want to spend my points. 1,175 seems so little. I suppose I must have the Giant Jaw Bone for my bone gallery. But I really want the plushies and action figures too.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:01 pm

Has anyone read the new Neopedia article? If not, here's the body:
The tenacious Xweetok Lilian Fairweather was previously best known in the scientific community for being the daughter of Professor Hugo Fairweather. Though most of her life has been spent helping her father on archaeological digs and learning botany, Lilian has only recently been acknowledged for the work she has done. This may be a good or bad thing, depending on which scientific circles one follows, as the Fairweather clan has gained quite a bit of notoriety. This has come as the result of their recent claims about the existence of a mysterious island that is otherwise unknown to Neopians.
Professor Hugo and Lilian set out for this island with their assistant Werther and an adventurous explorer named Roxton A. Colchester III. The group nearly lost their lives when their hired boat crashed upon the rocks of the island that they claimed to be searching for. According to their reports, the team encountered huge beasts almost immediately upon their arrival on the island and later found a strange temple with a complex lock. The huge beasts, they insist, were in fact giant Petpetpets.
Since their story was supported by both the captain and cabin boy of the SS Primella, the scientific community has offered to investigate the evidence that the Fairweathers brought back (which, not surprisingly, was only an unidentified fruit).
The Fairweathers and their scientific team are currently trying to put together another expedition to the island.

:o Anyone have doubts about a sequal plot now? I don't anymore... :D

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sat Jul 07, 2007 12:25 am

Pickles wrote: :o Anyone have doubts about a sequal plot now? I don't anymore... :D
Pickles, I think I love you. :hug:

YAY. My faith in Plot Part 2 is not in vain! <3

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sat Jul 07, 2007 1:53 am

Well, it's either a plot part 2 OR they're going to open up the world... (I'm thinking right next to Shenkuu) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for both. I WANT MORE PUZZLES!!! :cry: :cry:

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 12:07 am

Where are the plot prizes anyway? (My god, I missed a lot didn't I?)

EDIT: Found 'em!

I only have 1,275 points :( Can't decide.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 5:14 am

Well...hmm. I'm not really interested in ANY of these prizes. I hate to sound ungrateful, especially since they came out pretty quickly this time around, but...it's the truth. I guess I could buy a few copies of the books - some to read to my pets and some to sell later.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:11 am

I got 1200 points and am feeling a bit underwhelmed as to the prizes. not sure what to get yet, maybe a few plushies or something.
On a related note, I don't have the trophy on my lookup... what gives?? o_O

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 11:08 am

eilu wrote:On a related note, I don't have the trophy on my lookup... what gives?? o_O

You need to spend at least some of your points on a prize first before your trophy shows up. Most of the people who got --25 or --75 points got a Werther Keyring, since everything else comes in multiples of 50.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 3:28 pm

I already spent mine lol. I got that hammer thingy, I'll just sell it when it inflates later on.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Sun Jul 08, 2007 7:50 pm

I'm just waiting to spend my plot points until they release part 2 of the plot later on. I figure that they'll leave the prize shop up for at least another month or so... probably for longer than that. My gut says to wait. :)

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:54 pm

Plot prize shops never come down. I haven't spent any of my Tale of Woe points yet, and a friend still has a bunch of Lost Desert Plot points.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Mon Jul 09, 2007 6:57 pm

I don't even know which plot prizes I want...so I guess I'll be waiting it out. If I recall correctly, I have quite a few ToW plot points left also.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Tue Jul 10, 2007 8:25 pm

I can't remember exactly which page...but on a page that mentions some upcoming things like site content and flash games and such, there is an icon that says something about a journey being continued. So now there's more proof aside form the neopedia article. Just thought I'd share that. :)

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Tue Jul 10, 2007 9:18 pm

Eternal Serena wrote:I can't remember exactly which page...but on a page that mentions some upcoming things like site content and flash games and such, there is an icon that says something about a journey being continued. So now there's more proof aside form the neopedia article. Just thought I'd share that. :)

I saw that too. It's on the bottom right of the new features (news) page. It shows that "A Mysterious Voyage Continues" is coming soon. Pretty much a sure thing, I'd say.

Re: Journey to the Lost Isle Discussion (split #15)

Tue Jul 10, 2007 10:30 pm

Eternal Serena wrote:... on a page that mentions some upcoming things like site content and flash games and such, there is an icon that says something about a journey being continued. So now there's more proof aside form the neopedia article.
Not to rain on your parade, but that entry on the Coming Soon page has been there since shortly after the Lost Isle plot began.

I still believe the plot will continue, though. :P
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