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Modding The Debating Table

Fri Nov 28, 2008 1:18 pm

Igg & Robot are online very rarely these days, it seems. So I suggest someone else is added to the list of Debating mods. I'm not questioning Igg's and Robot's modding capabilities, but personaly, I've never had a chance to see them in action; even though there has been need at times. I think the person should be someone with plenty of experience who is also on a lot. Is there any chance of this happening in the near future?

Re: Modding The Debating Table

Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:28 pm

I have already PM'd them both about this situation and was giving them a bit of time to reply before moving ahead. :)

Re: Modding The Debating Table

Sat Nov 29, 2008 6:03 am

Pardona wrote:Igg & Robot are online very rarely these days, it seems. So I suggest someone else is added to the list of Debating mods. I'm not questioning Igg's and Robot's modding capabilities, but personaly, I've never had a chance to see them in action; even though there has been need at times. I think the person should be someone with plenty of experience who is also on a lot. Is there any chance of this happening in the near future?

Just because they don't post on the thread in question doesn't mean they haven't been in action. Believe me :)

Re: Modding The Debating Table

Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:06 pm

theonlysaneone wrote:Just because they don't post on the thread in question doesn't mean they haven't been in action. Believe me :)

Well, Igg's hidden, but Robot hasn't visited the site in nearly a month.

Re: Modding The Debating Table

Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:46 pm

As Jas mentioned, we are monitoring the situation and are working as fast as possible to make the appropriate changes (if needed).

I know it's frustrating but hang in there :)

Re: Modding The Debating Table

Tue Dec 02, 2008 8:33 am

t'is taken care of. FWIW, I've been on holiday since thursday.
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