This board is for anything to do with the Pink Poogle Toy Forum. If you have a question or want to suggest any ideas, then this is the place to do it.
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Board mods not listed

Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:12 pm

Hello, everyone. :) I have been trying to post this for several days, but with PPT going up and down, I haven't been able to. I just wanted to let you know there was a bit of a forum hiccup and, at the moment I write this, no mods are listed on any of the boards. If this is fixed later, please disregard this.

Temporarily, until new mods are hired, all mods have been given moderator status of all the main forum boards. This means most boards in the PPT section and all boards in the Neopets, Creative, Entertainment, and Miscellaneous sections. As usual, the GMs have modding access to all the main forum boards, as well. If you have a problem in any of these boards, feel free to contact a mod, GM, or admin.

Debate is modded by robot and Igg and Divas is modded by myself. Pink Ink is modded by Candy Cane Twiz. If you are in need of a mod's services in any of the other usergroups (Guys, etc.), feel free to contact an admin.

Here are the group lists for your convenience:


Global Moderators


I hope we can figure out this problem soon. Thank you for your patience and understanding. :)

It was fixed, but it's happening again.
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