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eek! items are gone

Mon May 31, 2004 9:58 am

anyone else getting nothing for items anywhere in neo? I got this in my inventory:

ERROR : Could not retrieve the list of items that are currently available.

My shop shoe empty boxes w/ x's & 0np, shop wiz pulls nothing. :shock:

Mon May 31, 2004 10:01 am

Well, so far I can still see images. Who knows what will happen later, though. My husband's shop is still gone, as well (since Saturday).

Mon May 31, 2004 10:04 am

Jasujo wrote:Well, so far I can still see images. Who knows what will happen later, though. My husband's shop is still gone, as well (since Saturday).

Did you send an email to support?

Mon May 31, 2004 10:05 am

That's been happening for a bit now, but in most cases the items are coming back. Sit tight and wait for a bit.

Mon May 31, 2004 10:05 am

Not only did that happen to me, but my SDB and inventory are messed up. This had better be fixed or I will be quite irate.

Mon May 31, 2004 10:06 am

I can't get my shop up either.

*sigh* I guess I'll be playing some Digimon TCG: Street Battle using my own version of the rules. Or Halo, which ever comes first on my dice...

Mon May 31, 2004 10:20 am

Kariiau wrote::o
Did you send an email to support?

We waited until yesterday to see if the shop would come back, but it didn't, so he sent in a bug report. We haven't heard anything back from them yet. We just hope they are updating the databases or something and everything will reappear soon.

Mon May 31, 2004 10:29 am

item images are back now. And most lag is gone

Mon May 31, 2004 10:45 am

atomicblonde wrote:That's been happening for a bit now, but in most cases the items are coming back. Sit tight and wait for a bit.

That happened to me yesterday morning and the day before yesterday also. Just don't move any items around while this is happening and you should be OK.

Mon May 31, 2004 10:55 am

This didn't happen to me yesterday, just a lot of lag yesterday

Mon May 31, 2004 1:57 pm

my shop has been gone for a few days. I have filed a bug report, but no reply and no shop or items. O.o I wonder what's going on, and I hope they fix it soon... that was alot of plushies to lose!

Mon May 31, 2004 3:43 pm

Smokytyger wrote:my shop has been gone for a few days. I have filed a bug report, but no reply and no shop or items. O.o I wonder what's going on, and I hope they fix it soon... that was alot of plushies to lose!

Wow, you too--Jasujo mentioned that her husband's shop had been gone for 3 days also--mine disappeared briefly yesterday and the day before that--but came back all items intact.

I feel for you--I'd go to pieces if I had lost my plushie gallery. I hope yours comes back soon.

EDIT: So, after seeing this, I decided to go to a gallery I have that I don't go to too often--a gift gallery that I created but never really go on too often. And, of course, the shop is gone! Guess, I'd better send a bug report too!

Mon May 31, 2004 3:54 pm

bunnylover212 wrote:This didn't happen to me yesterday, just a lot of lag yesterday
Same here... and it didn't happen to me today either.

Mon May 31, 2004 4:00 pm

And, now my shop is back. Too weird.

It must be a server issue. I remember about two months ago when I lost my main account's shop for several hours as did many other people and Neopets finally put up a notice about how they were moving some accounts to a new server. Hopefully, this "glitch" is the result of TNT moving over accounts that weren't previously moved over. And hopefully,they are reinstating these shops little by little.

I cross my fingers for the rest of you who lost your shops.

Mon May 31, 2004 5:44 pm

Hmm, I guess the item/shop situation isn't quite over yet. Hopefully there will be a notice regarding it in the news, whenever it gets updated.
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