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Sun Oct 14, 2007 7:56 pm

It's a silly little make a city, and each time someone visits it, it grows. As it grows, you can send your friends different links so they can add onto your transportation, commerce, safety, etc. Being fluent in French would help a lot, but a bit of common sense along with knowledge of at least one Latin-based language can get you though most of it.

Here's a link:

And here's a city one of my friends made, just so you get the idea of what it looks like after awhile (and so she can get clicks :P ).

Re: Miniville

Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:33 pm

I'd love to try that out, but I know nothing about speaking or reading French, or any other languages for that matter. Is there a way to change languages?

Re: Miniville

Sun Oct 14, 2007 11:13 pm

siouxper wrote:I'd love to try that out, but I know nothing about speaking or reading French, or any other languages for that matter. Is there a way to change languages?

Besides trying to run it through Babelfish or some other translating site, no. I don't always have the greatest luck getting the translators to work though.

Re: Miniville

Wed Oct 17, 2007 5:43 pm

It's really easy to understand it even if you don't speak french, though.
To sign up you need to click on the red "créer ma ville" button, click on a region on the map (they're all the same, more or less, some are more popular and it's harder to get on the high-scores if that's what you care about) and pick the name of your town. After that, you're done. You'll get your city's link (which will be in the form your-city' you can click it to get more citizens. After you get enough people (50, I think) your unemployment ("chomage") will rise and you'll have an option to click a second link (your-city' to get more industries and lower the unemployment. If it gets too high, one of your citizens will leave. With more citizens you have even more options of getting better transport, lower the criminality and the pollution, and such. The downside is that you can only do one click per day per city, so you can't for example get another industry AND another citizen on the same day.

Conclusion: I'd love you forever (or until I forget) if you could click on this link because my unemployment level is sadly getting too high :P
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