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Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sat Jun 14, 2008 1:37 pm

Welcome to the third annual Altador Cup! The Altador Cup pits sixteen Yooyuball teams, representing lands from all over Neopia, against each other in a quest to prove their honour and test their skill. Choose a team, and help your favourite land make Neopian history.

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Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:00 pm

Ok, thanks to the guides and stuff I have been able to score 3. I'd like to be able to go more, but I run out of time! Is anyone else having problems being fast? I always run my guys around looking for an opening.

Also, I heard there are links that allow you to play other teams besides jelly world. Has the staff come forward to say anything on this? It feels like it could be cheating, which is why I haven't done it yet, but I'd like to get some practice in on other teams. But then I think if that was what they had wanted us to be able to do, then they'd have built it in the game to allow us to choose.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:12 pm

If you can score, you're halfway there. You'll find the more you play the quicker you get. I seem to remember it was only towards the end of the tournament last year that I could get up to 9-0.

The links to practice against other teams are in the YYB thread. I don't think it makes too much difference compared with playing the practice team, unless it has changed since last year.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sat Jun 14, 2008 10:25 pm

My vacation always seems to fall on the Altador Cup. :x

Hopefully it doesn´t start until I get home!


Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:07 am

The schedule's already up. First matches are on the 17th. As for who I'm supporting, the fact I've kept this avatar since the first cup should make it obvious.

Does anyone know if there's an archive of the teams from previous years? I can remember that Lost Desert's new Kiko is replacing a Meerca, and I think the year before that the Draik replaced a Ruki, but my memory's pretty hazy.

Speeking of Kikos, anyone else think that the mysterious disappearence of the Kiko Lake team might be leading up to some kind of revamp for Kiko Lake itself?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:30 am

I was thinking it could be a new plot, but that's a large stetch...heh.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:47 am

Speeking of Kikos, anyone else think that the mysterious disappearence of the Kiko Lake team might be leading up to some kind of revamp for Kiko Lake itself?

The tournament can only have 16 teams (currently we have 17 teams), so 1 team has to sit out.

Last year Kreludor sat out and Shenkuu came in. Kreludor is now back in and TNT probably picked the least favoured team to sit out this year.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:47 am

Just seen the first match for Shenkuu is against Roo Island! Should be an interesting one!

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:46 am

Whee! DC's first match is Terror Mountain :evil: Any TMer's here?

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Sun Jun 15, 2008 3:44 pm

The new version throws my goal scoring off a bit. The old version I could get 9-0 easy, and now my best is 6-0... It's probably just the new 3dish look. I like seeing my players though. I can't wait until the matches start, even if it is a dreaded round robin.

Edit: Never mind, I just scored 10-0. Only ball I haven't had to try with yet is the darigan one. Just watch, now that I said that I'll get a bunch in a row.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:08 am

I had a question for krawk island fans. What was the name of the yurble that got replaced by the grundo? Why did this happen? I am seeing the yurble on some artwork from sunnyneo and I am wondering if there ever was a yurble before and it got replaced by a grundo.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Mon Jun 16, 2008 3:34 am

Found some nice support graphics here: http://www.neopets.com/~___Nazgul
They're little ribbons that go on the upper left corner of your userpage/shop, so they can go with your existing layout (if you have one and don't want a full AC cup themed revamp) and are more understated.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:15 am

Er... it's the 16th today right? And matches start on the 17th? So why have they started already?

ETA Just checked the neoboards and they seem to think it's a glitch. Still, it's nice to practice against a real team now.

It's kind of annoying, now that I look at it, it's obviously a glitch, so I'm not submitting scores. But I really want to! I did submit one score before I realised, and it's already showing up on my stats... hope that's not gonna get me iced. I am liking that they show up immediately though, last year I lost about 20 game scores and never got them back, this way will be easier to keep tabs on.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Mon Jun 16, 2008 12:54 pm

Today is indeed 16th. Just played 2 games against terror mountain... now I'm conflicted if to play more :p

Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise not available, so I guess glitchyness is to blame.

Re: Altador Cup III (2008) - Split 1

Mon Jun 16, 2008 1:05 pm

Oh boy!!! Isn't this going to cause some problems.

Apparently to get the avatar, you need to reach Rank 1 (50 wins in YYB) - some are playing now to get it.

I, personally am not playing until the 17th.

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