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Re: Minority Rules 2: The Guessing Continues [Question 7 Posted]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:02 am

Siniri wrote:
loser wrote:I see we only have three honest people here.

Well, excuse me for being a math geek. So Pip, seriously, please give us the rest of the problem! Otherwise I'll have to make up my own ending.

Math geeks are awesome. Everyone else just isn't cool enough to realise that :P.
And I never actually wrote the end of the problem. Maybe I will. At some point. Not right now.

Game booths.

Re: Minority Rules 2: The Guessing Continues [Question 7 Posted]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:11 am

pipsqueeek wrote:Math geeks are awesome. Everyone else just isn't cool enough to realise that :P.
And I never actually wrote the end of the problem. Maybe I will. At some point. Not right now.

Then the end of it is obviously, "What color were the conductor's eyes?"

Re: Minority Rules 2: The Guessing Continues [Question 8 Posted]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 3:11 am

It was a joke.

I love math geeks, as they are pretty damn sexy. I wish I were a member in that elite group. mathgeeksmiley

Re: Minority Rules 2: The Guessing Continues [Question 8 Posted]

Thu Dec 11, 2008 4:13 pm

I'm actually getting a degree in Math in a couple of years' time :P cower before me, mortals!

Re: Minority Rules 2: The Guessing Continues [Question 8 Posted]

Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:29 am

Unfortunately we ran out of budget for the theme park field trip to test out our answers. Maybe next year we should do some fund raising!

Game Booths or Roller Coasters?
Game Booths (5)- Pixa, StuMan, Wind, Crazy, Pardona, Fabio*
Roller Coasters (4)- Katherine, amarise, Siniri, pipsqueeek
No Response (1) - Blake (who loses a point)

*My intention was to do this joke a along Siniri. For those who don't understand it,
google it, but it is kinda gross... although funny

And, as the Carnies at the Game Booths that half of you are ignoring, would say: WE HAVE A WINNER!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS PIPSQUEEEK. You are truly a unique thinker. Now claim your prize of us degrading you in our fear of those who are different. And a cookie.

Final Score
Urthdigger- -3 Eliminated Question 2

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:41 am

Congrats, Pipsqueeek! As a mathematician, you must rock at game theory. I, on the other hand, will include this game in my "application portfolio" for my game theory class as an example of game theory in the real world -- and have to admit I lost (twice, no less).

Just because I liked it so much, here's my answer to this last question:

Siniri wrote:Roller coasters

FTW! Backwards, forwards, upside-down, loops, corkscrews, death-drops, ricochets, wooden, metal, accelerator, gravity-driven, floorless, standing, suspension, trackless, flying (okay, this one I haven't tried yet) -- they're all good!

(Unless you're Fabio -- warning, kind of gross.)

Seriously, the link is really gross -- if you want one without a picture, google Fabio and Busch Gardens (Apollo's Chariot).

Congrats again, Pipqueeek. And thanks for hosting loser! You made it fun, and I really liked the new format where people weren't eliminated.

If people want to play again, I'm willing to host the next round.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:44 am

Siniri wrote:If people want to play again, I'm willing to host the next round.

Since Wind hosted originally, It's up to her on who host's next. I support you doing it :)

I'll definitely be sending whoever host next a list of advice for sure XD

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:54 am

Congrats pip

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 2:55 am

Congrats! I can't wait for the next game!

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 3:58 am


Thank you, thank you all.

Haha, Siniri, I did take a class on game theory at summer camp a few years ago, although I'm not sure how much I remember. I actually used none for this game xD. If I had an opinion, I went with what was true, and if I didn't care I randomised it. :P

I'd also be willing to host if people want to make it so I can't win again :P

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:09 am

pipsqueeek wrote:Haha, Siniri, I did take a class on game theory at summer camp a few years ago, although I'm not sure how much I remember. I actually used none for this game xD. If I had an opinion, I went with what was true, and if I didn't care I randomised it. :P

Actually, randomization is a strategy, and sometimes the best strategy because it makes you unpredictable. I find it fascinating that you openly and honestly said on-thread what your answer was and ended up in the minority 3 (or was it 4?) times in a row. Thanks for sharing your strategy -- it will help me analyze the game for my project!

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 4:17 am

Siniri wrote:
pipsqueeek wrote:Haha, Siniri, I did take a class on game theory at summer camp a few years ago, although I'm not sure how much I remember. I actually used none for this game xD. If I had an opinion, I went with what was true, and if I didn't care I randomised it. :P

Actually, randomization is a strategy, and sometimes the best strategy because it makes you unpredictable. I find it fascinating that you openly and honestly said on-thread what your answer was and ended up in the minority 3 (or was it 4?) times in a row. Thanks for sharing your strategy -- it will help me analyze the game for my project!

Actually, all the ones I said on the thread(with the exception of one or two where I had some fun comment to go with it) were picked randomly. It just happened that most of the time my calculator gave me the same random number for the one I sent in and the one I posted xD.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:41 pm

loser wrote:
Siniri wrote:If people want to play again, I'm willing to host the next round.

Since Wind hosted originally, It's up to her on who host's next. I support you doing it :)

I'll definitely be sending whoever host next a list of advice for sure XD

Why not, you get my official stamp of approval XD and pip can go next so she stops her winning streak, but I suggest we all gang up on her in the next game anyway.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 5:26 pm

:P Hahaha, I guess that book I read on game theory... a week ago... did not help one bit. :D Ah well. Was fun.

Re: Minority Rules 2: Congrats Pipsqueeek!

Fri Dec 12, 2008 6:56 pm

Haha, so I was shelving books today, and noticed one that was out of place, and pulled it out to put it in the right spot, and it was The Lady and the Tiger(and other puzzles) :P
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