Ooh, bumpity-bump-bump-bump! (Not really, since this is a sticky. But whatevs.)
With the new battledome leaving your pet's health as it was at the end of battle, I foresee a better healer being important for the next plot/war. And I have a feeling others will foresee this need, too, sooner rather than later, escalating the cost of healers. Right now, my healer is a puny "greater healing scroll." My pet's stats are currently (but I'm actively training, via Secret Ninja school, lab, and quests/armoured neggs when I can get them):
Lvl : 269
Str : 523
Def : 469
Mov : 534
Hp : 508
Intelligence: 974
My other weapons: double Ylanas blasters, Hanso charisma charm, heavy robe of thievery, downsize!, parasol of unfortunate demise, devious top hat and cane, leaf shield, and some of the medium (semi-fragile) reflectors (50%), some of the altador cup weapons... mostly stuff I just picked up for free or for site event points. My battling is exclusively 1p: DoN, plots, wars, daily rewards. I have (had?) all the faerie abilities, and my usual battle strategy is double Ylanas blasters +(sink/burrow/drain life), though obviously I'd change that up for the tougher baddies -- and even now for the easier ones, just so I don't lose as many HP/battle.
My battle pet will eventually be an Island Mynci, and I'm not willing to change the species. From what I can tell, my best options are
leaded elemental vial, jade scorchstone, {I could sell everything in my SDB and gallery and still not have enough NP for either of those}
ice scorchstone (full heal, but only 24% chance of success, 3M HT),
crisp blue tunic (steals 100HP from your opponent and adds it to your HP, 6.5M Brightvale Armoury),
bag of healing dust (50% heal, 10M Magic Marvels), and/or
everlasting crystal apple (30HP multi-use, 4M, cooking pot from HT items).
The ice scorchstone looks like a relatively quick way to fully heal between battles. During the last couple of plots, the big healing potions were ~1k apiece, and it would take 2-3 of them to heal my pet completely right now. So the ice scorchstone would pay for itself in ~1000 plot battles, assuming no additional inflation, just by healing between battles, even if I didn't use it in battle -- and I had more battles than that in TFR alone (though they didn't all need healing afterwards, obviously). Relying on it against big-bads would be risky, but if I don't care about my win record and just want the wins, it could get the job done, just a bit inefficiently. The everlasting crystal apple seems like it would also work for healing between battles (but take longer); I don't think it'd be useful against big-bads because if I'm really struggling, 30HP is not going to be worth sacrificing a weapon slot repeatedly.
The crisp blue tunic does take a decent bite out of the enemy (while giving it to you), though 100 HP is less than a 20% heal right now (and gets worse as I continue to train); it would also be a bit tricky (but doable) to use as a between-battles healer. It is only half the cost of the bag of healing dust. The healing dust, of course would work well between battles and in battle. But it's of course the most expensive option, too (it would take a large portion of my bank account). I managed to hit the caps in all TFR battles, but I had to use some of the battle freebies to do so (1-use full healers, thick smoke bombs, etc.), but Grainne was at least 2, maybe 3 or 4, boosts below where she is now, and I didn't have most of the defensive weapons I have now.
So... what should I buy? Ice scorchstone? Crisp blue tunic? Spring for the bag of healing dust?