The big screen and the small screen... together at last! Hurrah!
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Which is the Ultimate Disney Movie?

Poll ended at Fri Sep 04, 2009 10:38 am

The Sword in the Stone
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
Total votes : 4

The Ultimate Walt Disney Versus [Round 36]

Fri Aug 28, 2009 10:38 am

Results from Round 35

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl wins 67% to 33% against Oliver & Company.

This week's competitors:
The Sword in the Stone vs. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl

Previous Competitors
101 Dalmations (Lost in Round 6 against Mulan - 65% to 35%)
Aladdin (Lost in Round 10 against Beauty and the Beast - 52% to 47%)
Alice in Wonderland (Lost in Round 33 against Oliver & Company - 60% to 40%
Bambi (Lost in Round 23 against The Little Mermaid (50%) after getting 38% of the vote in a Special 3 way that also included Lilo & Stitch (13%) and tied with The Little Mermaid in Round 22)
Basil the Great Mouse Detective (Lost in Round 27 against The Little Mermaid - 75% to 25%)
Beauty and the Beast (Lost in Round 15 against The Lion King - 85% to 14%)
Cinderella (Lost in Round 11 against Beauty and the Beast - 80% to 20%)
Dumbo (Lost in Round 19 against The Little Mermaid - 77% to 23%)
Fantasia (Lost in Round 24 against The Little Mermaid - 88% to 13%)
Halloweentown (Lost in Round 31 against Lady and the Tramp 86% to 14%)
Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama (Lost in Round 30 against Halloweentown - 75% to 25%)
Lady and the Tramp (Lost in Round 32 against Alice in Wonderland - 67% to 33%)
Lilo & Stitch (Lost in Round 23 against The Little Mermaid (50%) after getting 13% of the vote in a Special 3 way that also that included Bambi (38%).)
Mary Poppins.(Lost in Round 25 against The Little Mermaid - 75% to 25%)
Mulan (Lost in Round 9 against Aladdin - 71% to 28%)
Oliver & Company (Lost in Round 35 against Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl -77% to 33%)
Peter Pan (Lost in Round 1 against Sleeping Beauty - 55% to 45%)
Pinocchio (Lost in Round 14 against Beauty and the Beast - 88% to 11%)
Pocahontas (Lost in Round 8 against Mulan - 61% to 38%)
Recess: School's Out (Lost in Round 28 against The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea - 63% to 38%)
Robin Hood (Lost in Round 26 against The Little Mermaid - 67% to 33%)
Sleeping Beauty (Lost in Round 2 against Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - 53% to 46%)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Lost in Round 3 against The Aristocats - 55% to 45%)
Tarzan (Lost in Round 7 against Mulan - 70% to 29%)
The Aristocats (Lost in Round 4 against The Jungle Book - 55% to 44%)
The Fox and the Hound (Lost in Round 17 against The Lion King - 76% to 24%)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Lost in Round 12 against Beauty and the Beast - 84% to 15%)
The Jungle Book (Lost in Round 5 against 101 Dalmations - 64% to 35%)
The Lion King (Lost in Round 18 against The Little Mermaid - 55% to 45%)
The Little Mermaid (Won from Week Eighteen to Week Twenty-Seven)
The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea ((Lost in Round 29 against Kim Possible Movie: So the Drama - 56% to 44%)
The Nightmare Before Christmas (Lost in Round 20 against The Little Mermaid - 77% to 23%)
The Rescuers (Lost in Round 16 against The Lion King - 75% to 25%)
Toy Story (Lost in Round 13 against Beauty and the Beast - 53% to 46%)
Wall- E (Lost in Round 21 against The Little Mermaid - 83% to 17%)
Who Framed Roger Rabbit(Lost in Round 34 against Oliver & Company - 60% to 40%)

Movies which were taken out of the competition due to continously winning, are automatically posted in the Hall of Fame:

The Little Mermaid (Won from Week Eighteen to Week Twenty-Seven)

(Next Week: Winner against The Black Cauldron)

Re: The Ultimate Walt Disney Versus [Round 36]

Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:00 pm

Definetly The Pirates Of The Caribbean.
Everytime I tried to watch The Sword In The Stone I found myself switching over to Simpsons or whatever else was on

Re: The Ultimate Walt Disney Versus [Round 36]

Fri Aug 28, 2009 9:43 pm

It's Sword in the Stone all the way. Only Disney could take the King Arthur legend, add overzealous squirrels and pink rhinoceroses, set it to music with songs such as "Mad Madam Mim," and still make it interesting (despite what Ginny says :P). Pirates I saw once and was like, okay, cool enough. But it was long and dragged in parts. Sword in the Stone, though, I've probably seen at least 10 or 20 times. And I still like it.
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