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Re: Tyrannian Plot

Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:13 am

Daze, it was turned into an announcement -- which meant that only the PPT elite could post to it. It was fixed so that all members would have access to the obeli topic.

Chivewarrior, I agree: Hanso and Brynn are slacking on the job. And I'm still leaning towards the thieves, myself. They have the coolest music, if nothing else. And outfits.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Tue Feb 19, 2013 6:22 am

I agree - thieves. Besides the coolest music and outfits, they are typically the most skilled as well.

PPT elite... heh, that's a good one :evil:

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Tue Feb 19, 2013 9:28 am

Chivewarrior wrote:For those of us who prefer to fight on the side of the good, it's a little disconcerting that there hasn't been anybody wanting to claim it for the protection of Neopia or some such. So far I'm leaning toward the thieves' guild-- he at least admitted that arcane objects are usually trouble.

Last but not least - Seekers.

Wisest of scholars, this society has collected books on every subject in Neopia.

Even King Hagan goes to them for research.

*This should be the last faction. All plot teaser images have now been used.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:10 pm

Ooooh, finally a faction that seems to want to explore the obelisk for the common good. Think I'm going to have to be a Seeker. (Though really, couldn't they have gotten a cool name like everyone else, instead of a Quidditch position?)

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:00 pm

Yay! Seekers it is. They lean more towards my personality-- I'm a scholar myself.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:06 am

Besides TNT all but announcing it in today's news; the plot board has a new sub-title:

» Tyrannia: Mysterious Dig Site
Several secretive factions have made their way to the obelisk. No one knows what's inside, but they all seek its power. This must mean war.

Update: A sixth new faction unleashed - Awakened (The Shining/Children of the Corn, anyone?) LOL.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Wed Feb 20, 2013 2:11 pm

Daze wrote:Update: A sixth new faction unleashed - Awakened (The Shining/Children of the Corn, anyone?) LOL.

um...Yep. Those two are creepy.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Wed Feb 20, 2013 4:17 pm

Given that all those are zombies, I'm almost wondering if the previous five videos were red herrings and really we're all going to wind up banding together to fight off the zombies.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Wed Feb 20, 2013 5:58 pm

Ooh, I'd prefer that, CW, but I think there would be a lot of angry Neopians who've been hankering for a war for years and years. I don't think TNT would do that to them... would they?

As funny as the zombies are, if we get to choose, I'm sticking to Seekers.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Wed Feb 20, 2013 10:43 pm

21st February - Tonu Day

•Just when we thought it couldn't get any more crowded at the Mysterious Obelisk, zombies and monsters and ghosts, OH MY! We heard that each faction is taking volunteers to fight for their cause. "Lucky" Neopians will be able to swear their loyalty to the Thieves Guild, The Sway, the Order of the Red Erisim, the Brute Squad, the Seekers, or the Awakened. Which one will YOU pick? You can make your choice starting tonight, but choose wisely!

TNT wasn't just teasing us!! :)

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Thu Feb 21, 2013 12:09 am

Wait, but you can't actually join one just yet, can you? I'm assuming it'll change at midnight, like all the other updates have?

And now I need to upgrade my set even more so, but I don't know which is/are the most important 1-2 upgrade(s).

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Thu Feb 21, 2013 9:32 am

I chose The Order. :)

We have 7 days...then war breaks out!!

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:36 pm

I chose the Seekers. It's a long long wait!

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Thu Feb 21, 2013 7:46 pm

After much pondering, I went with the sway. This all looks very interesting.

Re: Tyrannian Plot

Fri Feb 22, 2013 5:56 am

So, thieves, vampires, mages, warriors, scholars and the undead?

I'm stuck between the Order and the Seekers, myself.
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