Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Sat May 06, 2006 11:28 am

Avatar Text: Ric
Signature Main Text: Drac
Signature Subtext: ...can't think of anything. Either something witty or leave it.
Avatar Image: Phoe's Eye
Signature Image: Preferably this or maybe this (but that second one is rather boring and yukky).

Thanking you in advance...

And where's best for uploading?

Sat May 06, 2006 4:58 pm

dracir512 wrote:And where's best for uploading?

Photobucket seems to be the popular choice among PPTers. :)

Sun May 07, 2006 1:52 am

-Ducky- wrote:
dracir512 wrote:And where's best for uploading?

Photobucket seems to be the popular choice among PPTers. :)

Ha! Just went over and I already have an account... from aaages ago.

Sun May 07, 2006 8:15 pm

Shaun -

Image Image

Image Image

I like the big ones better... =\


I cant do animation, sorry! >_<

Thu May 11, 2006 2:10 pm

hmmm... interesting effect... picked up... =D thanks WIS! that provided me wif some insight into how to handle photographs... =D

Fri May 12, 2006 2:50 am

dracir512 wrote:Avatar Text: Ric
Signature Main Text: Drac
Signature Subtext: ...can't think of anything. Either something witty or leave it.
Avatar Image: Phoe's Eye
Signature Image: Preferably this or maybe this (but that second one is rather boring and yukky).

Thanking you in advance...

And where's best for uploading?

Image Image

Fri May 12, 2006 7:20 am


Thats amazing.

Will upload by the end of the night, my internet is stuffing around.

Fri May 19, 2006 11:59 pm

Hey WIS!! I would love one of your sets!

Set Request:

Image: ... 0700/2.jpg
Text: Michelle
Colors: Err since that picture is mostly black and blue-ish I guess thats the color I want? Or any color that looks good. :D

I would also like a matching avatar with any picture of Billie Joe Armstrong!

Thanks a ton!!

Sat May 20, 2006 3:25 am

Sig please. :D

Image: ... Hinata.jpg
Text: Hinata and Naruto
Subtext: Must be destiny...
Colors: Purple and blue or orange and yellow, but one or the other, not both, if you can do that. But if it doesnt look good the way I want it, do what you think is good. =3

Thanks ^_^

Tue May 23, 2006 1:12 am

Graphic Type: Neopets Lookup [i have most of the lookup done]
Main Text: Meygs
Subtext: none
Color: Matching
Size: Same

i just want you to spiffy it up ;p

Sat May 27, 2006 6:02 am

Michelle wrote:Hey WIS!! I would love one of your sets!

Set Request:

Image: ... 0700/2.jpg
Text: Michelle
Colors: Err since that picture is mostly black and blue-ish I guess thats the color I want? Or any color that looks good. :D

I would also like a matching avatar with any picture of Billie Joe Armstrong!

Thanks a ton!!

Urg, I've been overloaded with school stuff. x_X

Image Image

Sat May 27, 2006 9:22 am

Hallo, WIS. Seeing as you're so swamped, I wouldn't ask you to do this, but I trust no one else with it. It is a matter of utmost importance to me, as you might have guessed, so take your time with it. :)


Avatar Text: Toffee
Signature Main Text: Toffee
Signature Subtext: RIP May 22nd 2006
Still Missed
(Put these two phrases wherever you want on the signature, so long as they are both visible.)
Avatar Image/Signature Image: (I've merged these together because I'm going to give you several pictures you could use. You don't have to use them all but at least three would be appreciated.)
Picture One
Picture Two
Picture Three
Picture Four
Picture Five
Color: You choose.
Size: You choose, but PPT regulations with an 80x80 avatar.

Thanks so much, WIS. -snuggle-

Sat May 27, 2006 8:20 pm

WIS wrote:
Michelle wrote:Hey WIS!! I would love one of your sets!

Set Request:

Image: ... 0700/2.jpg
Text: Michelle
Colors: Err since that picture is mostly black and blue-ish I guess thats the color I want? Or any color that looks good. :D

I would also like a matching avatar with any picture of Billie Joe Armstrong!

Thanks a ton!!

Urg, I've been overloaded with school stuff. x_X

Image Image

Thanks so much! It's perfect! :D

Mon May 29, 2006 1:54 am

.:Blank Stare:. wrote:Sig please. :D

Image: ... Hinata.jpg
Text: Hinata and Naruto
Subtext: Must be destiny...
Colors: Purple and blue or orange and yellow, but one or the other, not both, if you can do that. But if it doesnt look good the way I want it, do what you think is good. =3

Thanks ^_^


Wed May 31, 2006 5:26 am

It is almost summer, and I know you're the best for summery (and all) sets. I have a couple of requests to make of you, oh great one. Take your time with these. I am in no rush to get them.

Set #1:
Avatar Text: Sky
Signature Main Text: SkyNetMain
Signature Subtext: Ready for long summer days
Avatar Image: Here. Focus on Rei please. (I assume you know which character I mean)
Signature Image: Same here. Also focus on Rei again. Try to have as little Asuka as possible.
Color: Whatever works
Size: As long as it fits

Set #2:
Avatar Text: Sky
Signature Main Text: SkyNetMain
Signature Subtext: Wishing for a longer summer
Avatar Image: Here
Signature Image: Same here
Color: Whatever works
Size: As long as it fits

Please. Thank you. Take your time. Again, domo arigato gozaimasu!
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