Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Fri Aug 05, 2005 11:48 pm

Bangel wrote:
mallory wrote:medli - no prob!

xerophyte - ooh im not a marilyn manson kinda person but ill give it my best shot!

bangel - i dont have the sotware to do movie captures.. if you can find it in .gif form, (maybe in a livejournal community or something?) then i can do your request. sorry i shouldve made that clearer!

im opening this up to one more request after this post and bangel you can either find a .gif mini movie you want in your set, change your set request, or delete your request, ok? oof thats not supposed to sound mean! haha.. you understand yes? i totally dont mind doing your request if you can find a buffy clip in .gif form (mini movie are fun)

ok, taking 1 more request..

No problem, I'll look. =)

EDIT: I spent around an hour looking and found it's somewhat impossible to find the clip I want in .gif. Please ignore my request. Thank you for your time.

oh bummer! im sorry!!! lemme know if youd like a diff set whenever - ill give you a virtual gift certificate for a set request anytime, k? :)

Image Image
hope you like!

monsum - your sets on the 1st page ready for pickup still!

and sry to go out of order medli! i just went with the feeling to do this one first, dont worry i didnt forget yours! and got susannah's goin soon too

Sat Aug 06, 2005 6:40 am

That. Is. Awesome. :D

Thanks you! :hug:
*saved and uploaded* :)

Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:03 am

Image Image

kinda switched some stuff around.. hope you dont mind! it worked better this way.... hope you like it!!

medli - still workin on yours! just tryin to decide on a few things about it but i havent forgotten!

ill take 2 more requests if theyre from ppl who dont mind waiting till around wednesday (maaaaybe sooner) for their sets..

Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:25 am

That is totally awesome!! on;y I can't figure how to get the sig

Edit: *points Down* Yeah I figured it out! :D
Last edited by Susannahmio on Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:28 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:28 am

susannahmio wrote:That is totally awesome!! on;y I can't figure how to get the sig

Looks good to me!

Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:37 am

AHHHH OMG, yay :D, I'm loving that you are taking requests again. I love your sets and always look forward to your request boards. Please don't close yet, I'll get something that I want for a set in a second :). Mal I'll wait however long it takes as well, no rush.

Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:50 am

Charisma wrote:AHHHH OMG, yay :D, I'm loving that you are taking requests again. I love your sets and always look forward to your request boards. Please don't close yet, I'll get something that I want for a set in a second :). Mal I'll wait however long it takes as well, no rush.

MA!!! take your time findin a pic! :)

ill take 2 requests in addition to miss cmama bc, well, its cmama come ON. haha..

Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:21 am

I'd love to request from you :)


Image URL(s)
Either of these two:


carpe diem quam minimum credula postero

Only if you think it'll add to the effect of the set

Rounded corners or not?

Thanks very much in advance :)

Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:40 am

medli im finally done! hope you like it:
Image Image

and medusa: ahh! those are freaky! ill try my best tho

Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:30 am

Wowsers, it's beautiful! *huggle* Thank you!

Sun Aug 07, 2005 1:07 pm

I'd like one ^^
Image URL(s) ... uoAH01.jpg (just the guy wearing red please)

Sohma Ayame (just the sig) Twisted (just the av)

Year of the Snake

I don't mind-but a fader effect on the av would be lovely

Rounded corners or not?
Don't mind ^^

Also-I'll be on holiday from the 8th (mid afternoon UK time) so can you PM me the set ^^ I don't mind if it takes time-just PM me the set when you are done :) No worries

Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:03 pm

Okay, haha sorry it took me so long. While I was trying to find a pic last night I fell asleep :oops: . I have these but let me know if you think they too crappy to work your awesomeness with them.

Image URL(s):
Avatar: ... CF0009.jpg
Sig: ... CF0007.jpg
Sub-text: (leave blank if you don't want any) Fireworks of a different kind
Animation? (usually colored letters) y/n:if you wish to add some
Rounded corners or not? y/n:If you think it looks good.

I have a pic of Jim as uncle sam haha and I thought it would be cute if he had the avatar of that one but I refuse to post the picture for him :P.

Mon Aug 08, 2005 2:27 am

haha ma you give me waaaaay too much credit! speaking of which, here you go! i tried to add some other stuff but i think just plain, semi-jazzed up "set-ified" copies of the pictures looked best! hope you agree! (p.s. im such a fan of cma+jim! haha some of my favorite oldschool merflers right there. :) haha ok ill be quiet now)

Image Image

lemme know if you want something changed or anything ok dear?


medusa -
Image Image

sorry for all the dark-colored sets lately guys! i swear im not in a depressed mood or anything! haha they just fit. anyway medusa hope you like it plz save to your own server. :) oh and i hope you dont mind non-rounded corners, it kinda took away from the overall feel.

twisted youre up next and ill pm your set to you as requested!

just waiting on responses of pickups from monsum, cma, and medusa, and thats it for this board!

Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:32 am

haha I love it, I look like such a dork. I should have used the one where I'm looking like a drunk :P. I like the sig the best, mainly cause it's the few of the pictures with both of us. Thank you so much Mal :), next time he's over we'll try to take a trip to see you :D Must remeber to upload to my website thingy rather than using photobucket...I think they limit it.

EDIT: like OMG, the :D face is just like the way I smile on the picture...freaky. I look like a scary smiling emoticon.

Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:48 am

ok im glad its ok! i know its a lil plain!! i can funk it up or something if you want.. funk it up? i dont know.. haha but yes come see me! we can hang around in philadelphia! haha gettin ahead of myself there.. ok yes lemme know if you want another :)
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