Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
Topic locked

Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:52 am

oh thanks, i didnt see it. sorry harmonize :(

Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:59 am

Forum Rules and Guidelines wrote:Do Not Double Post
This is when you post a message in a thread, and then post again on the same thread straight away making 2 consecutive messages. People normally do this if they remember something they forgot to include in the first post. Dont do this. It makes the forums messy. If you forget something you wished to include use the edit button at the top-right of the message box for that post. Double posting is also Spam.

Tue Oct 31, 2006 8:12 pm

blueZ wrote:to BrunosisShale:
a few questions, do you want me to keep the picture as it is, or can i maybe move it a round a bit? like put the girl on the side or something.
by the way, is the avatar for your sister 80x80 as well?

You can do anything with it. It doesn't matter what size, there's really no preference. Thanks :)

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:09 am

Marissa wrote:
Forum Rules and Guidelines wrote:Do Not Double Post
This is when you post a message in a thread, and then post again on the same thread straight away making 2 consecutive messages. People normally do this if they remember something they forgot to include in the first post. Dont do this. It makes the forums messy. If you forget something you wished to include use the edit button at the top-right of the message box for that post. Double posting is also Spam.

i am very sorry
i apologize for my actions, i was not fully aware of the meaning of double posting, i just didnt want things to look messy and squished together, i always thought that double posting was like posting 2 posts that are the same, but i know, its not an excuse im sorry and i should not do it again

Wed Nov 01, 2006 12:23 am

JhasNeeh wrote:Loving the work . . . but if I may I'd liketo request something a little darker.

Could I please have a set of any size within PPT restrictions with this moody fellow.

I'd like the Av to say 'Jhas'
and the Sig to say 'Bad guys look better'.

And the rest I'll leave to someone with a tad more creativity in this area. Thanks in advance.

Thanks again for the set you made, currently being modeled by my-handsome-self. But am I allowed to be a pain and ask for the Avatar again, but with 'Abe' on it instead of Jhas? I'm wanting to use it on MSN etc as well now.

Wed Nov 01, 2006 11:09 pm

ooooh, i love it thanks!

Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:04 pm

dear requesters,
im moving this weekend so i am extremely busy with packing and unpacking, so i am sorry to tell you guys that i cant fulfill your requests this weekend, i can only do it next weekend
sorry again for the inconvenience

Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:01 am

Hey! I've absolutely fell in love with this image, and I want more sets with this image! :D

Size: Any
Topic: Flower floating in a pool
Avatar Text: WIS
Signature Text: WIS
Subtext: Washed Away
Extra: If you don't mind, I'd like softer colors. But you can also do whatever you think looks nice. :)

Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:19 am

hello requesters...
i am extremely sorry for the inconvenience, i was so so busy lately with moving and homework and tests and school. i just ran out of time making grahpics.

however i now finally have time to come back to the request board again.
but due to my long absence, i worry if any of the old requesters still want me to fullfill your requests.

so im going to "refresh" all the requests, which means all pending goes back to 0, and if you old requesters still want me to make your sets, please let me know by requesting again, and i would be delight to make your sets after all this waiting i have been putting you through. i apologize again.

ok wis heres your set

Sat Dec 02, 2006 1:23 am

blueZ wrote:
hello requesters...
i am extremely sorry for the inconvenience, i was so so busy lately with moving and homework and tests and school. i just ran out of time making grahpics.

however i now finally have time to come back to the request board again.
but due to my long absence, i worry if any of the old requesters still want me to fullfill your requests.

so im going to "refresh" all the requests, which means all pending goes back to 0, and if you old requesters still want me to make your sets, please let me know by requesting again, and i would be delight to make your sets after all this waiting i have been putting you through. i apologize again.

ok wis heres your set

Omg! It's so nice. Thanks. ^_^

*goes to upload it right away* :D

Sat Dec 02, 2006 2:03 pm

Welcome back BlueZ. I'd like to re-submit my request, but have been thinking. As well as 'Abe' could I have a copy of it blank? Thank you.

Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:32 pm

sorry Jhas i kind of confused, i dont really understand what do you mean by "blank"

can please you request again in this format
------ the size
------ the topic/subject
------ text(if nessesary)
------ any extra things you want(if nessesary)(i might refuse it if i disagree with it...)

it would be really helpful for me to understand what excatly you want.
i hope you dont mind, and i am very sorry again for the long wait :(

Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:37 pm

Hey, blueZ. :D Sorry to butt in here...
But I think was Jhaas means by blank is that he doesn't want any text on the av. :)

- DM

Sat Dec 02, 2006 5:44 pm

thanks for helping me DM
ok so lemme get this straight

i shall make a msn icon with the advent children image, with the text "Abe" on it, and i shall have a exact same copy but without "Abe" on it.

am i correct? if i am, then i will get started but theres only one problem...
the image link doesnt work

i hope i am not being a pain in the neck....

Sat Dec 02, 2006 7:10 pm

Sorry for the confusion, DM got it. And I hadn't realised that the link had expired.

Here you are.
Topic locked