Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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4 Random Gift Sets!!! XD

Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:32 pm

Well, I just made these four sets and I'm not really going to use them as such - so if you guys want them... you're welcome to them! :D

1) Just use my form (below)
2) Please give me credit :)
3) Once someone else has claimed the set - thats it! You can't have it.
4) Be polite.

I'll be as quick as I can personalising your sets for you, seeing as its half term for me this week! :D :P

And now.. the most important thing - the SETS!!

1= Image Image

2= Image Image

3= Image Image

4= Image Image [Oops - just noticed I didn't put a border!! :oops: I'll add one though when I change it for you... if anyone wants it ;) ]


Set Number:
Av text:
Sig Main Text:
Anything else*:

* Animation, text colours, particular fonts... anything!

Ok, thats it! :D
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