Request your avatars and signatures, blinkies and banners and everything else graphics-related here.
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Mary's Requests

Wed May 18, 2005 3:56 am

For now, I am just going to take LJ icon requests.

Examples of My Work

1. Image 2. Image 3. Image 4. Image 5. Image 6. Image 7. Image 8. Image 9. Image 10. Image 11. Image 12. Image 13. Image 14. Image

What the icons say *since I usually make the text unreadable*
1) Beauty in the Breakdown (lyrics from "Let Go" by Frou Frou)
2) Cliffhanger
3) I Dare You To Move (lyrics from "Dare You To Move" by Switchfoot)
4) Happy Family
5) Lady of the Light
6) I'm going to look after you (quote by Pippin in ROTK)
7) They're going to the harbour beyond the White Towers, never to return (quote by Sam in FOTR)
8. Emilie/ Ravenous Beauty
9) When I breath, I draw strength from you (lyrics from "Destiny" by Zero7)
10) Sweet Lullaby
12) Hobbit Tongue Fetish
13) Trinkets of the Past
14) Wash Away (lyrics from "Wash Away" by Joe Purdy)

*feel free to take any of the examples to use on LJ; just remember not to hotlink, credit me (tropicalpara18), and please let me know if you are taking any*

[b]Requesting Information

Style (choose a number from my examples):
Size (max. 100x100):
Anything else:

The Rules
1) I can refuse to make your request for any reason. Depending on what you ask for, if I like the subject of the icon, I will make it for you.
2) Be polite and patient.
3) No hotlinking! Please save the icons to your own server.
4) Please credit me on LJ as tropicalpara18.
Last edited by bluehawaii19 on Wed May 18, 2005 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 18, 2005 5:30 am

Sig Board Rules wrote:Other Things Not to Do:
Graphics makers, please limit your direct linking in your request threads. We've set a cap of 14 direct linked images. This is for the convenience of people with slower internet connections, and so people don't have to do a whole lot of scrolling in threads.
You've been a member long enough to know that.

Wed May 18, 2005 4:50 pm

Marissa wrote:
Sig Board Rules wrote:Other Things Not to Do:
Graphics makers, please limit your direct linking in your request threads. We've set a cap of 14 direct linked images. This is for the convenience of people with slower internet connections, and so people don't have to do a whole lot of scrolling in threads.
You've been a member long enough to know that.

Oh, I thought that you were allowed 15 images, not 14.
Sorry (I haven't been on here in a long time).
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