Hhey everyone! You do the talking, and I do the making!!
Oookay...Crappy slogan, oh well.
CHOICES: Computer Art:
Any Cartoons/Anime WHATEVER YOU CALL IT: You have to provide me with a picture if I don't know about it.
Video Games: If it's no from Nintendo, I don't know it, provide a picture for non-Nintendo pictures.
Pokémon: I made a seperate coloumn for Pokémon, I'm really good at this.
Others: Pheonix, Mushroom, pshaa.
The above includes avatars and signatures.
This WILL take some time, not too long though. Be patient.
All of the above counts, also. Provide me with pictures, people!
1) Have patience.
2) Must have over 99 posts. Anyone under will have to go to my other topic.
Have fun. (I'll be back later, I have to go to the store!!)
Neopets: Morphone
Maple Story: Animelee, Scania