Okay, I'm being greedy and requesting 6 graphics ;D. But I asked WIS if it was okay with him first!
Set 1:
Avatar Text: Icey
Signature Main Text: Icey
Signature Subtext: see with eyes of a hawk (possibly in italic / cursive-y font? In any case, I don't want pixel font for this set... if that's what it's called...)
Avatar Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... an/jan.gif
Signature Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... an/jan.gif
Color: I'd like brown to be a predominant colour. Any shade(s) of brown will be fine =D. ONLY brown would be too dull though... keep his scarf green ;D.
Size: N/A... generally, I like big sets though...
Oh, and if you have to cut him a little... cut him under his elbow, if possible =[.
Other Graphics:
Graphic Type: MSN Icon
Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... an/jan.gif
Main Text: Janaff
Color: Matching the set XD
Size: 96 X 96
Set 2:
Avatar Text: Icey
Signature Main Text: Icey
Signature Subtext: love is as deep as the ocean
Avatar Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... ninian.jpg
Signature Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... ninian.jpg
Color: the colours used will be fine
Size: N/A
Other Graphics:
Graphic Type: MSN icon
Image: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v486/ ... ninian.jpg
Main Text: Icey (not too bold, blocky and capital-lettery
i.e. not all capital letters xP )
Color: same as set
Size: 96 X 96
EDIT: If you haven't started on the 2nd one, I changed the texts... since I hated it xP.