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Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:32 pm

Not a Neopets pic, but it's pretty, so I thought I'd put it up and see what people think.

This will be edited slightly to be the splash page to my reworked website. I managed to use two days of a uni course to do this because of that fact.

Line art scanned, then coloured in Photoshop CS.


Letha, Anthropomorphic Personification of Destiny.

Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:51 pm

Wow, the wings are lovely! Very nice overall :) I also like the semi-transparency of the sleeves. It gives a nice gossamer feel. I also like the starry cape. I think my only critique I have is that most of the picture has lines except the wings which kind of makes it look like they aren't attatched or are separate from her body.

Thu Dec 09, 2004 11:53 pm

CrewWolf wrote:I think my only critique I have is that most of the picture has lines except the wings which kind of makes it look like they aren't attatched or are separate from her body.

Hehe, that would be because I drew the wings straight onto the computer with no line art... if I had a graphics tablet it would have been possible for me to outline them, but not with this uni mouse.

For my page, the entire thing has a very soft blue glow around it, which brings it all together and doesn't make the linelessness (new word!) as obvious. This was just the version I'm going to print out.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:51 am

Wow!!! I love how you did the feathers!!^__^ Very awesome!^^* great job, props to you!!!

Fri Dec 10, 2004 3:55 am

Ooooo, this is very cool. I love the stars on the cape, and the wings... gorgeous (teach me how to draw wings XP). There's just a few things that could be worked on. The scrolls should be blowing in the wind as the cape and dress are, and the hair doesn't seem to be going at the same angle the outfit is. The cape is also in front of the wings. They would have to be behind them, otherwise the wings look detatched. Otherwise it's really preeeetty. I want a cape like that. D:

Sat Dec 11, 2004 8:44 am

Wow thats really pretty....^_^ I wish i can colour in like that.....
Keep up the good work it looks fab. *thumbs up* So you mean you drew it on paper and then scanned it on the computer?

Sat Dec 11, 2004 10:46 pm

The thing with the wings is that they actually go through the cape at the back, but you can't see that from the front. The area where they are attached is small enough that it only needs two smallish holes.

And yeah, I draw on paper and then scan.

Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:27 pm

I know I'm about the 5th person to say this but those wings are awesome. They look so... feathery. Of course, the whole picture is beautiful. The shading is great.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:36 am

O__O I love it.
The sparkles on the cape and on the parchment...the flurry of the lavender wings, the headband...thing...it's excellent! *applauds*
I agree that it would look even better if the wings had lines, but it doesn't even matter because it still came out great!

Mon Dec 13, 2004 3:32 am

Wow. The wings look awesome. They look so soft and furry. XD Nice job. ^^

Mon Dec 13, 2004 10:25 pm

Ahh, so pretty! Excellent job on the wings, only they might look more natural if they were angled a bit to the right.. but yeah, this is so pretty! Lovely coloring, lineart, and she has beautiful features. You got some skillz! XD

Tue Dec 14, 2004 2:28 am

What a beautiful piece of artwork, especially the wings, like so many others have said!

Wed Dec 15, 2004 5:45 am

Wow, thanks for the encouragement...as always, I am overwhelmed.

As for the discrepancies in the wind effects, I always go by the theory that it's localised. The parchment doesn't wave because it's very thick, and her wings are like that because they're not affected. It's always quite amusing to make up theories to cover one's mistakes.

The truth of the matter is that was drawn up with little time to spare for my HTML project. Usually I'd go through and check all these things, but I didn't have time if I wanted to colour it and get the rest of my page done.

Keep C&Cing - I like reading what people have to say.

And yeah, first piece of anime art in about 6 months, so keep that in mind. ;)
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