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Too Many Pictures! (6 of them)

Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:48 am

Holy cow! this is what happend when you leave me alone for a few hours.

Ok...I was messing around in MSPaint (as always) and decided to draw some items from neopets for practice. Here they are in order from best to worst (IMO)

EDIT: Changed them to .gifs


This one is my favorite of all the items. It was actually the first one I did, which is a little odd. I also spent more time on it than any of the others. Was originally just the egg, but I was already there so I added a b/g.


A super sour chia pop. This one turned out pretty well. The shading and the light look good, I think. But I could be wrong.


A candy cane. The background is a little distracting, but it was fun to do.


And...an magic wand. nothing really wrong with th is one, but....it's boring, so it's listed last.

Anyway, there's all my items.

And while I'm at it, heres a sketch I'm working on. If I ever get around to finishing it, I'll post it. It's bmp and pretty big, so here's the link.

My Sketch

And, finally *drumroll* My PPTMAC Entry!


It's supposed to be a marlfox, from Brian Jacques Marlfox. uhh...yeah.

C+C, anyone?
Last edited by .:Requiem:. on Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 2:30 am

The sketch looks good so far, and the shading on the Marlfox (yay Redwall) is very nice.

But, if you drew those Neopet items on MSPaint, then why are sections of the items anti-aliased? :roll:

Re: Too Many Pictures! (6 of them)

Sun Dec 12, 2004 11:43 pm

When posting bitmap (.bmp) images, you need to use HTML tags. ;)

As for C&C...
Those at the top are great for paint graphics! I especially like the Chia Pop... must be the shading.
And that cat sketch is absolutely adorable so far. ^^
The PPTMAC Entry is really good! I can't describe it really...

Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:12 pm

I like the PPTMAC Entry, but your so called Candy Cane is one of the Neopets items pasted onto a background. :/


Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:28 pm

Edit: Sorry. I wish I wasn't oh so slow.
Last edited by Neowuvr on Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Dec 14, 2004 11:47 pm

Neowuvr wrote:
Weewoo wrote:I like the PPTMAC Entry, but your so called Candy Cane is one of the Neopets items pasted onto a background. :/


That's funny... all of them look just like the real Neopets items... :thinking:

That was kind of the goal, if you hadn't noticed.

And I really don't apprecaite you accusing me of plagiarising Neopets art.

Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:46 am

.:Requiem:. wrote:
Neowuvr wrote:
Weewoo wrote:I like the PPTMAC Entry, but your so called Candy Cane is one of the Neopets items pasted onto a background. :/


That's funny... all of them look just like the real Neopets items... :thinking:

That was kind of the goal, if you hadn't noticed.

And I really don't apprecaite you accusing me of plagiarising Neopets art.

i'd gathered that that was the goal. copying the neopets items, and i think you've done a really good job!!

your sketch is REALLY good, and so's your PPTMAC entry :) well done!:)

Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:46 am

they look just like the real ones, i like the first one most too!

the sketch is cool! can't wait for the result

and the PPTAMC is REALLY great!!!

Wed Dec 15, 2004 9:37 pm

.:Requiem:. wrote:
Neowuvr wrote:
Weewoo wrote:I like the PPTMAC Entry, but your so called Candy Cane is one of the Neopets items pasted onto a background. :/


That's funny... all of them look just like the real Neopets items... :thinking:

That was kind of the goal, if you hadn't noticed.

And I really don't apprecaite you accusing me of plagiarising Neopets art.

Sorry, sorry sorry.:oops: I figured that out after thinking about it for a while after posting. I used to do stuff like that all the time with GBA sprites. Then I realized it was the same concept and all, and that you weren't copying and pasting. Duh. But it was too late and I had to wait until today until getting back on and correct my post.:$ Sorry though. Should've thought more before I posted.

.:Requiem:. wrote:
Apology accepted. ^^

Thanks bunches!
And I mean it. You wouldn't belive how much my blabbing before thinking of a logical explanation gets me into trouble. -_-;
Last edited by Neowuvr on Thu Dec 16, 2004 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:47 pm

Apology accepted. ^^
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