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ICKessler's art thread - updated 9/24/06

Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:11 am

Sorry, it's been quite a while since I updated this thread.
I have pretty much quit neopets. I don't go on the site for days at a time and as a result I have a lot more time for other hobbies, including art. I have several neopets projects I started that I will be finishing up and - what the hell - maybe even submitting to the art gallery.

This was a female lenny wizard I started quite a while ago. The point was that there is the DoN character Lightning Lenny who is arguably an electric lenny, however, that color is not available for lennies. :( So I drew a kick-butt female electric lenny wizard, with big video-game hair. Why not?

I like to call this one: Memoirs of a Lenny

All the following pics were created in Corel Painter. A few of them had some finishing work (color balance adjustment) done with Photoshop 7.

Older pics:

Get these fiddlesticks hissis OFF this fiddlesticky kite! (Snakes on a Plane)
Some people juggle geese...
Lenny_mas_Grande sketch 1
Lenny_mas_Grande sketch 2
Ghost Lenny
Keeper of Secrets (darigan aisha)
Finneas, the archivist.
Six String Samurai Lenny
The Bringer (from the HatIC plot)
Chibi_Zoo's Sayerel, halloween Ixi
Wise Old Lenny Portrait
Babie Lenny to the Dark Tower Came(Baby 'gunslinger' Lenny)
Zafara Double Agent
Defender of the Realm (Medieval Drake)
Llamameah... uh I mean Gnorbu, being shaved by a Lenny
Lenny Romance
Mynci Kong
The Good, the Bad, and the Jelly.
Midnight in the Lenny Library
Captain Scarblade
Yurble and Baby Fireballs
Last edited by Kess on Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:43 am, edited 34 times in total.

Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:54 pm

These are nothing short of incredible, especially the lighting on the Lenny picture.

I would die of love-ness if you'd do an art trade with me. <3

Wed Dec 07, 2005 4:03 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:These are nothing short of incredible, especially the lighting on the Lenny picture.

Agreed. These are magnificent, and the detail is astounding. I really hope to see more in the future.

Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:36 pm

I'm not sure what an art trade is...? Normally I just draw lennies. It's part of my neverending quest to bring respect to the least popular, but most wonderful pet in Neopia: the noble Lenny.

- Kess

Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:23 am

*cry* I want that art program! heh
Fabulous pictures. As Fidds there said.. the lighting in the Lenny picture is spectacular.. and although I don't really like yurbles.. that yurble pic is just as spiffyliscious!

Fri Dec 09, 2005 5:06 pm

Your art work is fantastic! I love the lenny picture (now having a lenny myself) You definitely top a lot of the work put out by TNT themselves. I look forward to viewing more of your work in the future. You're quite talented!

Sat Dec 10, 2005 10:20 pm

:o Wow! Those are amazing! As Fidds said, the lighting detail is incredible. Great job!

Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:36 pm

I really like the Jelly picture. The details in the Jelly picture are really neat. :] And I like the Yurble picture, but all of them are great. ^^

What art program do you use??

Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:53 pm

New picture!

Sun Dec 18, 2005 8:43 pm

Ooh, I love that!

Hehee, it's cute how it goes with the King Kong thing. Very neat. :)

Wed Dec 21, 2005 1:13 pm

I put a new pic up...

Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:49 pm

Congrats on getting your Kong picture in the AG....It's a terrific picture!

Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:10 pm

Wow. very, very nice picture you have here. Your coloring and shading is amazing. And I gotta say "The Good, the Bad, and the Jelly" is definitely my favorite.

Keep it up!

Fri Dec 23, 2005 7:10 am

Very nice! I love the pastal texture!

Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:34 am

Ooo more pics *claps happily*
I really love that "The Good the Bad the Jelly" one... very creative!
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