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A Distorted Genius

Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:23 pm

A Distorted Genius

A distorted genius,Though opinions differed,Exiled from living,A rose withered.Protection from the drink,From the malicious flask, A domain to prowess,Lingering behind a mask.Violins swirled,Chimes danced,Fueling hope,In a desired romance.Voice of honey,Tone of dew,Gazed at from winter,Flawless akin to new.An unattainable attraction,Tutored from the labyrinth,Despite the rumors,Not all was a myth.True love from a mirror,Laid first gaze,Cursing the count,From her love did faze.Streams of scarlet,Struggles fought,Closer to holding,All long sought.Deceit and hope,An unlikely pair,Not having the Goddess,Yet down in the lair.Grasping at last,Though they fight for their love,A jerk away,From the fatality above.Love altered to repulsion,Though still affixed,Two lips mutually lone,Agonizing yearned wish.Minuscule suspension,From the unwavering ache,Hopeful to be genuine,Admitting to self it's fake.Shatters reflections,As the hostilities come,Deep in the Opera's catacombs,To fatally convict the Phantom.

Comments? Critism? Suggestions?

Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:18 am

You know I love it! I don't know how you did the font thing, but it rocked, too. Rhymes weren't really there much, but there was a meter, so rhymes weren't nesscessary.

Awwr. I really liked the last stanza, by the way.

Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:34 pm

:o Dude... I give you the Mighty Wizop Award! (that's a good thing) And as a matter a fact you are the first one to get it. WOWZORS im picky. Well enjoy your E-ward. oh and in case you didn't get that, i liked your poem.

Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:40 pm

PandorasSox wrote::o Dude... I give you the Mighty Wizop Award! (that's a good thing) And as a matter a fact you are the first one to get it. WOWZORS im picky. Well enjoy your E-ward. oh and in case you didn't get that, i liked your poem.

What is a wizop?And thank you!

Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:55 am

A wizop......hmmmm.......i really have no idea i just thought i should write something down before award so it would sound more exciting.

Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:05 am

How did you do the colors like that?
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