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Ethiopian Wolf

Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:17 pm


I got bored out of my mind today (actually a few days ago), so after finishing off one of my Drawing I projects I decided to experiment and practice with the Conte crayons that I had to see how they turned out for when I start on my second project, which required a different paper. Now I wish I did use that right paper and had this be my project.

For a source, and I don't remember the year, I used a clipping from a National Geopraphic magazine that had an article about the Ethiopian Wolf, and me, being a fan of wolves, have never heard of that wolf before. It is an endangered species, about 500 living in Ethiopia. More information can be found here and here.

Media used is Conte (Black, White, Brown, and Red) on Newsprint style paper.

Sun Apr 09, 2006 5:26 pm

That is so purdy. I love wolves. I think I heard about these when I was researching grey wolves for a story. Sadly, I wouldn't be surprise if those 500 you mention would be closer to 0 by now.

Anyway, very pretty. Keep up the good work. And keep posting drawings of pretty doggies <3

Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:18 am

Zomg. I love the detail and the way you did the fur =D That is amazing.
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