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Pirate Ixi

Thu Sep 07, 2006 5:18 am


I did this sketch when I noticed that the male leads in plots were usually Lupes, and the female leads were usually Aishas. So to balance things a bit I drew a pirate Ixi to rival Scarblade. I'm thinking about calling the character Capt. Ironhoof, but that's somehow not quite fearsome enough. Any suggestions?


Thu Sep 07, 2006 2:15 pm

I really like him! I love how you did the wooden leg, very creative. And he looks all cool and grizzled. Very good job!

Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:08 pm

Wow, cool! I love the pic!

Sun Sep 10, 2006 2:41 am

Very cool and very scary. Me likey.

Sat Sep 30, 2006 8:49 pm

I like it :D It would be nice to see his other arm, maybe with a cutlass or some other piratey weapon :) His pegleg does look really good too.

As for a name, I can't think of anything scarier to call him than Captain Scragglebeard (kind of like Bluebeard). Yes, I know the name Captain Scragglebeard won't instill fear into the heart of Neopians, but I think it suits him :)

And in case anyone needs to know Scraggle comes from Scraggly, which means unkept, or lacking neatness or order ;)

Sun Oct 01, 2006 5:53 am

Wow, the hooves are drawn VERY well.

*just sits and stares at the hooves for a bit*

It's really nifty :P

For the name, I think the eyes are quite, fiercesome? Perhaps something to do with his gleaming eyes? It'ld be really cool if they were like, emerald green X'D

Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:07 am

jade wrote:I like it :D It would be nice to see his other arm, maybe with a cutlass or some other piratey weapon :) His pegleg does look really good too.

As for a name, I can't think of anything scarier to call him than Captain Scragglebeard (kind of like Bluebeard). Yes, I know the name Captain Scragglebeard won't instill fear into the heart of Neopians, but I think it suits him :)

And in case anyone needs to know Scraggle comes from Scraggly, which means unkept, or lacking neatness or order ;)

I'm working on a more interesting pose and setting for him so I can enter it in the Art Gallery; rest assured weapons will be involved. :D

And Capt. Scragglebeard is an interesting suggestion, but it sounds more like the kind of name you give to a pleasant doddering old retired pirate.
And I already know what scraggly means. :)

JellyMud wrote:For the name, I think the eyes are quite, fiercesome? Perhaps something to do with his gleaming eyes? It'ld be really cool if they were like, emerald green X'D

I hadn't really considered what he would look like in colour, so that is certainly something to consider! All I know is that his eyes are differently coloured, since he's gotten a cut over the left one.

Incidentally, I found a very similar pirate ixi character from the Curse of Maraqua plot. I only modified my design for a wooden leg slightly to look more like that one. Perhaps there's a backstory for him about being with Capt. Scarblade's crew?


Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:00 pm

*gawk* that is amazing. *pushes you toward the Neopets art recruiting dept*
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