Display your creative spirit here in the Pink Poogle Toy Gallery. It can be art... it can be music... it can be a poem (even haiku)... but most of it... it must be you.
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Pics for Draik Day and Techo Day

Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:13 pm

First one is for Draik Day.


And the second one is for Techo Day.


After trying to get into the Art Gallery for five months straight, it would be nice if I could get at least one of these pictures in. Fingers crossed for these two...

Sat Sep 09, 2006 5:26 am

They're both very pretty Ginger, and I really like the shading/colouring technique you use. I just think you need to keep practising on the actual anatomy of your subjects. When I practice I don't usually colour and even my finished works rarely have a 'decent' background (for example my Draik Day pic in another thread). Just keep practising with poses and angles and you're bound to improve.

I also recommend, if you're really serious about your art to get a Photoshop program and practce with layers, colouring styles, etc. And if you're really uber serious to consider buying a drawing Tablet (basically a board with a pen which can be hooked up to your computer like a mouse) they can reeeeeally help with drawing on your computer (my mouse drawings used to be terrible but in the 2-3 months since I got my tablet I've improved soooooo much).

But like I said, I like the drawings, and wish you luck with getting the Techo Day one in the AG!

EDIT: Your picture inspired me somewhat...

I wanted to demonstrate a way to improve your technique...


This is my 'version' of your Draik Day picture. This is only a wire-frame sketch, however it took me somewhere between half an hour to an hour to draw (that's another thing i forgot to add, to improve your anatomy draw wire-frame sketches of the subject first). And rather than just a head-on, dead-straight picture I tried to put a little more life into it.

Rather than just a plain Royalgirl Draik on a throne I gave her a little personality, I started by drawing her on a angled version of your throne, but I decided she'd look better stretched out in luxury (she is Royal afterall), and the hand looked kind of odd, so I made her yawn as if she's a stuck-up Royalgirl looking down on a peasant. See how simple it is to give your subjects stories? :)

Just by angling their pose, giving them expression or changing their location you can bring a spark of life into your pictures!

I hope this example helped somewhat, and please feel free to PM me if you have any other questions on improving your technique or any handy tips you might want to know...

Good luck!

Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:12 am

Thank you very much for the advice! And I'm glad your Draik Day picture got in! I see what you mean about giving them more personality. I found that my drawings were lacking in something but I couldn't put my finger on what it was. I think I know now. No personality! Hehe. I'll definitely keep your advice in mind. And your wire frame sketch looks so much better than mine XD I am teh envious!

Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:38 am

You're very welcome Ginger! I know you're in a bit of a rough patch at the moment and I hope that this can be a source of happiness for you!

I'd also like to tell you two important things.

Firstly, the reason my drawings look so cool (heheheh, not humble am I?) is because of one thing- practice, practice, practice. Unfortunately, like any skill, art takes a lot of work. I have drawings from when I first got my tablet in June all throughout the months until now, and I've seen the improvements I've undergone. I use my tablet nearly everyday, I draw headings for assignments, use it for Visual Design, and just draw whenever I can. So just keep at it, and your drawings will definitely improve (and I for one am looking forward to watching your improvements!)

Secondly, I'll like to point out that I plan on making a career out of this. I do Visual Arts and Visual Design in school at the moment, and want to get into a career in game design and animation. So don't be too envious, after all, if mine didn't look slightly more 'advanced' so to speak... I'd be worried! :P

I hope to see some new entries to the AG, I know Chocolate Day and the Faerie Festival are coming up, and your sheer persistance amazes me! I *know* you'll get something into the AG soon, and I'll be the first to neomail you with a congratulations! :lol:

Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:37 am

ria wrote:You're very welcome Ginger! I know you're in a bit of a rough patch at the moment and I hope that this can be a source of happiness for you!

I'd also like to tell you two important things.

Firstly, the reason my drawings look so cool (heheheh, not humble am I?) is because of one thing- practice, practice, practice. Unfortunately, like any skill, art takes a lot of work. I have drawings from when I first got my tablet in June all throughout the months until now, and I've seen the improvements I've undergone. I use my tablet nearly everyday, I draw headings for assignments, use it for Visual Design, and just draw whenever I can. So just keep at it, and your drawings will definitely improve (and I for one am looking forward to watching your improvements!)

Secondly, I'll like to point out that I plan on making a career out of this. I do Visual Arts and Visual Design in school at the moment, and want to get into a career in game design and animation. So don't be too envious, after all, if mine didn't look slightly more 'advanced' so to speak... I'd be worried! :P

I hope to see some new entries to the AG, I know Chocolate Day and the Faerie Festival are coming up, and your sheer persistance amazes me! I *know* you'll get something into the AG soon, and I'll be the first to neomail you with a congratulations! :lol:

Yep, practice makes perfect as they say ;) Good luck on the career!

I've not drawn anything for Chocolate Day but I've drawn pictures for Poogle Day and the Faerie Festival. I drew my Faerie one around June time, because I was going to send it in as a regular pic. Now Faerie Day is coming, I thought I might as well submit it for that instead. I'll post them here:

Well, I'll post them soon anyway. PhotoBucket is down for maintenance only I'm a bit confused because it says in their blog that the maintenance was completed on the 12th September o_0

*hopes all her images haven't been deleted*

EDIT: For Poogle Day:


Quality is low unfortunately. Hopefully, this won't scupper my hopes of getting it in.

For Faerie Festival:


Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:15 am

Awwww, they're so cute! And pretty!

I love the reflection in the water, and the Poogle looks so happy!

Good luck with them! :D

Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:55 am

ria wrote:Awwww, they're so cute! And pretty!

I love the reflection in the water, and the Poogle looks so happy!

Good luck with them! :D

Thank you! I really hope TNT publishes at least one of these.

Fri Sep 22, 2006 10:27 pm

Well, the first pic, the anatomy is kinda really messed up. Her leg seems to just go into her toes, it doesnt really look like she has any feet. And her arm seems a bit to wigley... almost like its made of rubber.

Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:41 am

they are quite good... nice job. keep it up
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