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Profile Pics: Etrixxa, Tuenn and Arianna (updated 15/9/06)

Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:30 am

Okay, I've been meaning to get a really clear, sleek-looking picture of each of my pets in their 'profiles'. And Etrixxa, my Red Ixi, is the first to get an updated look!

So here she is:


She's supposed to be in her room, which has fluffy black carpet, a black beanbag and a slightly redder-than-what-showed-up walls (hate converting to show on the web :roll: ).

So, comments? Compliments? Nit-picks? (Constructive) Criticism? All are welcome :D

Hopefully I'll have some new pics to show you soon! (This one was sooner than expected)

Oh, and for those who care, this was done in about... 8-10 hours over like 4 days. In Photoshop CS, with my Wacom Tablet *hugs*, I drew the lineart over the frame, then base coloured each with main parts in seperate layers (eg. skin, clothes, hair), then made adjustment layers for each base layer (eg. the shine/highlight and shadow) then merged them into the base layer. And voila! :P
Last edited by ria on Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:19 am, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:34 am

I think it's nice :)
Only the arms seem a little too thin...

Mon Sep 11, 2006 3:17 pm

I really like it, especially the color scheme. Almost gothic like.

Mon Sep 11, 2006 10:27 pm

That's a pretty picture. :) Her expression looks calm and thoughtful.

If you are looking for nitpicks, the hips are maybe angled a bit too much. Based on the angle of her shoulders, you wouldn't expect to see much of the upper part of her far leg.

Tue Sep 12, 2006 7:20 am

Thanks for the comments guys!

I'll definitely keep them mind when I draw my next pet (which might be a bit delayed cause these next 3 weeks are chocked-full of assignments).



Did my next pic faster than I thought (both sooner, and quicker than the other one) I was so happy with Etrixxa's pic I wanted to do the rest! :P

So here is my Silver Eyrie, Tuenn!


This is the first time I've drawn something ever in a pose like that... and I'm so happy with how it turned out! The wings and feet are a little awkward. But I'm quite pleased with the overall look. And its completely different from Etrixxa's.

Hopefully I'll have a new one soon... I'm thinking either my Cybunny Arianna or my Kougra Zelaquel... I guess I'll see who inspiration strikes for. :lol:

(15/9/06) EDIT:

Well I did Arianna my Red Cybunny tonight, and here she is:


She's smaller than the others, cause she's younger. She's their "younger sister" really. I like how it turned, except the carpet annoyed me, doesn't look 3-D enough :P
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