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Some sketches

Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:13 pm

Take a look if you have the time please.

This one I finished today:
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m135 ... ikaru1.jpg
It's supposed to be Hikaru, I'm not sure whether she looks the same at all in all the pictures....

http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m135 ... ALVISS.jpg
Alviss (or how ever you spell it. It looks better with the extra 's') from MAR. I drew this a long time ago, perhaps a year back. It was my first success at even just copy drawing. I think I just wanted to be able to brag for once, so I posted it up.

Sketches on scrap paper:
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m135 ... lAkira.jpg
http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m135 ... amekko.jpg
It's a shame that the back of the paper came out on the scanner, it does look alot better.
I was very surprised on how well these went, especially the first one. I think you can tell from the paper I drew on, I didn't even mean to draw it. I just sorta started with the eye, then drew bangs, and so on.
I also didn't mean the second one to be a pirate. I had just wanted to draw an eye that was usually sparkling with cuteness but when they got mad, they could get like this sorta thing. Then, since I had a hard time with the other eye, I just colored it in and said it was for Halloween to satisfy myself.

http://i103.photobucket.com/albums/m135 ... nowman.jpg
Another one of Hikaru. I was going to color this but, well...... It's sorta is colored, only it's not very seeable. So I don't think that counts.

I was thinking of trying to color one of them with the computer, so it'd be great if someone knows a good tutorial.

Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:49 pm

Wow. Nice and pretty drawings. The only 'good' drawings I can do are copying existing pictures... and scaling them up many times... All of yours are very well done. Most more if you have them.

PS: [lets his inner nerd free] I love part with all the math [/fails to re-trap his inner nerd]
PPS: Like the singing cat in your sig :P

Fri Jan 05, 2007 11:47 am

Thanks. I do have a little more, but too bad for showing....

Hey, I was just all tired of studying and it turned out like that....

Isn't it? :P Here's the link for the cat(s):
It's in Japanese though. Oh and if you use any of them remember to download it to your computer. It seems they have a thing about that.
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